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(Criss's p.o.v.)

I finally made it to the rival vampire's lair...but stayed well out of scent range...until I figured out a way to get her out without her getting hurt...Sully took her...just because he knew I would come after her...for every vampire I changed...have a special link to me...and he sensed that she was my soulmate...and just wants to make me suffer...but I don't give up very easily...NO, I don't give up at all...I was just about ready to go in, when Klayton stopped me and told me...that I may be a pure vampire...but I was only one...and that rival clan was at least 40 or 50 strong...right now...and that it would be better if we made a plan first...which included going back and bringing reinforcements...we needed the family to help with this.

Klayton made me promise not to do anything until he got back with the family...but he fooled me and left Rachel with me...so she could keep an eye on me...my brother knew I was thinking sneakily...and he needed to make sure I kept my promise...Rachel walked up beside me and told me that her sister would be fine...I turned to her and told her she was just what I needed...a damn babysitter...then I added who in the hell was the leader of this clan anyway...me or Klayton...Rachel gave him a sympathy hug...and told him that Klayton just wants to keep his brother safe...and that me flying in the midst of those vampires wasn't really the best plan.

I knew Klayton was right...but I couldn't think clearly knowing that my hopefully future mate was down there...with Sully...that alone was enough to drive me into a rage I've never been in before...thankfully vampires were very fast...and it didn't take long for Klayton to make it back to me with our two brothers...and...our mother!!...I went to him and asked him what in the hell was he thinking bringing mama D into this!! and was he out of his fucking mind!! Klayton shrugged at me and said she wouldn't let any of us come back unless she came too...and that I knew Mama D had a real hold on all of us boys...for she was mother...I rolled my eyes at him and looked at mama D, and asked her to please stay up here out of scent range...where she would be safe.

Mama D just gave me her famous not hardly look...then told me that she was going to help her son...get his girl back, and there was nothing that I could do to stop her...besides kill her...then she walked around me and went up to Klayton and asked him what the plan was...Costa and JD came up to me and said jokingly that I think she was stubborn now...that I should have lived with her my whole life...like they did...then we all walked around Klayton and tried to come up with a plan...Klayton and I were the strongest, and the fastest...and the only vampires with wings...so I decided to have JD and Costa run as decoys to get the majority of the rival vamps to leave the holding area where Kc was...so Klayton and I could get in save her...and get out as quickly as possible...then I reminded everyone that this was a rescue mission...not a killing one...and I wanted to get everyone out hopefully without any loss of life...unless they had no other choice.

Costa, JD, Rachel, and Mama D, all circled the front part of the lair...and got the attention of most of the vampires that were hanging close to the holding area...after they drew them out...Klayton and I followed Kc's scent and made it to the doors that held her in the room...only to find Sully guarding her from the inside...along with two other newbie vamps. Klayton shut the door behind us, then looked at the two newbies and flashed his eyes at them and devilishly asked them which one was first...they approached him...then he spread his red wings in fighting mode...they both backed up as soon as they saw he was a winged vampire...for that meant he was very strong...I moved around toward Sully and thrust my wings out as well...and told him to give me the girl...my eyes were a deep and bright red.

Sully gave me a cynical grin and asked me if I really thought my wings would intimidate him...for he knew all about me...for we were brothers once...he ordered the two newbies to attack...but Klayton totally had them both psyched the fuck out, and they were too chicken shit to attack him...Sully ordered them one more time, so they both blindly attacked...then they died very quickly...Klayton turned and came up beside me, and we had Sully surrounded...but he had Kc in his grasp with his talons at her throat...he knew he had me...but Klayton advanced him anyway...Sully warned him to back off, or she would be headless...and that I would die very shortly after...Klayton growled at him but stepped back a little. Then asked him how he was going to get out of this one...for we did have him surrounded, and neither of us was going to let him leave without us getting the girl.

Kc was in total exasperation, at everything that was happening...JD and Costa were doing a little fighting and a little retreating with mama D behind them...Rachel was fighting too...for it was for her little sister...mama D even fought a couple of them off...but then apologized for hurting them...for she just wasn't a violent vampire at all...she still had a heart of gold...which still to this day really makes me smile. I was re-assessing the situation I was in...for if any wrong move was made...I knew Sully would kill her...so I did a quick look around...then I turned to Klayton and said double team split...which was something him and I made up when we were kids at my father's castle long ago...when we were trying to get away from my father's guards...Klayton smiled at me and said now was no time for playing childish games.

Sully was completely clueless, and the next thing he knew Klayton flipped me over his back and with my very swift motions...I was behind Sully with my talons at his throat...and wickedly asked him...if he was ready to die...if so, he could kill her...but before I died...I'd kill him...

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