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Kc and I were at the pizza place eating our second pizza...when she crumpled over in intense pain...I knew immediately that jr was going to come out very soon...I quickly grabbed her and went out the bathroom window and flew her back to Serenity...and I told her that the pain would go away as soon as he was out...for she'd heal herself instantly after...then I kissed her forehead, as I lit on the balcony to our bedroom...and hollered to everyone that our baby was coming out now!!

Klayton and Sully were the first ones in the room...then Rachel and mama D came in right behind them...with JD and Costa bringing up the tail end...for they were outside talking to each other about finding mates for themselves...Rachel went up to her and held her sister's hand tightly as she actually felt the pain she was going through and immediately released her hand...and looked at me and said she was in so much pain...Klayton grabbed her hand and he felt it too...but he also realized that he wasn't just feeling it...he was actually taking some of her pain from her...just by the physical contact...so Criss grabbed her other hand and Sully placed his hand on her left leg...and Rachel jumped back in and touched her right leg...with all of us sharing the pain...Kc was strong enough to heal herself...then the initial extraction was coming...we all watched as the baby began to push its way out of her stomach...then burst right our moments later...mama D quickly grabbed the baby and wrapped it in a blanket...as we all watched as Kc healed herself from the inside out...it took a lot longer than I thought it would...but she stood up and said she was fine.

Kc ran over to mama D and asked if it was a boy or girl...she smiled widely and said she had a grandson...then she handed him to her...and asked what his name would be...but ever since Kc was changed into a vampire she learned the ancient laws trough me...and said it was her job to name the baby...for she was the eldest...and the respected parent of us all...then Kc handed him to her again...Dimitra looked at the adorable little boy and asked if it was alright if she named him after her husband...and called him Johnny...I went over to her and gave her a hug and said Johnny was a cute name for him...but Kc added that his middle name was going to be after his father...and was to be called Johnny Crisstopher.

After he was passed around to everyone in the family...he was finally in my arms...and I took him out to the balcony and opened my wings out and took him for a ride...to show him the world he was going to be a part of...it was by far the proudest moments of my entire existence. By the time I made it back to Serenity Johnny was already a 2-year-old toddler, and was walking around giggling and screeching out everyone's names...and chasing after Hammie wanting to cuddle with him...Kc couldn't believe he was growing so fast...but I told her he would...but he was a very intelligent young vampire boy...it wasn't until he reached almost 4 years old...that something happened none of us expected to see...he sprouted his own set of wings...they were light gray with black flecks in them...I looked at Kc and asked her how that was possible...for only pure vampires could be born with wings...and Kc wasn't a pureblood vampire...she said she didn't know why...but he looked like a cute little pudgy cupid with those adorable little wings...

Sully was keeping a stronger lookout for Nocturna and her gang of goons...but for some reason, they never showed up like they were supposed too...JD and Costa were out catting...in search for their mates...JD found his very quickly...she smelt like peaches...and she was his girlfriend along time ago before he was turned...her name was Lynn...so he just asked her for another chance...she shockingly jumped in his arms and asked him what happened to him...that one day he just vanished...JD was down...now all that was left was Costa but he didn't have a girlfriend before so he had to start from the beginning...JD took Lynn to Serenity and took her to his room...where after he started kissing her a few times...he gave her a little vampire hickey...which put her in a sleep state until she could turn successfully.

Costa was walking the streets alone...until Sully jumped out from behind the trash dumpster and offered to go catting with him for a while...for he was looking to hook up with a chick himself...Costa still didn't really care for him, but he agreed for it was better than doing it alone...Sully took him to several exotic dance clubs that Costa never even knew existed...and immediately changed his mind about Sully...for he was having a total blast...Sully told him that if he stuck with him that he'd like it...then he gave him a playful slap on the back and handed him the lingerie that was tossed at his head earlier...and told him that he had a lady admirer.

Costa looked up at the girl that was tossing all the lingerie at him...and his eyes almost popped out...she was so gorgeous...right at that moment he really wished he had his brother's ability to make a rose appear out of nowhere for her...but he had to compromise, so he grabbed a flower out of the nearest vase and stood up by the stage and handed it up to her...while giving her a bow...she smiled at him and pulled him up on the stage and kissed his neck...Costa took one inhale in and smelt a strong scent of spearment...and he was in love...then he looked up at her again and she flashed her eyes at him...she was a vamp!...he wouldn't even have to change her...after the dance was over with...she grabbed him and took him into her dressing room...and she said she has been waiting for him for over 180 years.

Now she was going to have him...he flashed his eyes back at her, and said he was a vamp already...she immediately bowed her head, and quickly offered herself to him...that he was her soul mate...Costa looked at her and said he'd accept gladly...she held her neck to him...then she said to make the pact eternal that he had to mark her with his fangs...he sank his fangs into her, then removed them...and sure enough he saw a blood shaped heart appear on her neck...then it vanished...but know she was his...loyal and obedient to her mate...she grabbed him and kissed him and said her name was Zoey.

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