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All three of us headed down to the lobby, to search for my soul-mate...where we were met up with JD and Costa...Rachel took a whiff and said Costa smelt like tobacco...and JD smelt like burnt rubber...Klayton explained to them, that he changed her, last night...so he could have her as his mate...for she was his instinctive soul-mate scent...Costa came up next to her and said licorice was his instinctive scent...Klayton smacked him and said that he'd rather sniff licorice for all eternity than tobacco and burnt rubber....JD put his arm around him and said oh yes and smelling like an old boot, was so much better of a smell than tobacco or burnt rubber. Klayton said he didn't smell like an old boot...he smelt like fresh leather...for his mate told him so...as he wrapped his arm around Rachel.

I was too busy smelling the air...hoping to pick up even the slightest scent of strawberries & apples...to listen to their friendly arguing...but JD followed me and said he and Costa were searching for hours after I went back upstairs...and found nothing that even resembled fresh fruit. I sighed loudly then told them all that I had to find her...I've waited 8,000 years for her...and I couldn't lose her now...before even getting to lay eyes on her...Klayton grabbed me and said none of them was going to give up...that with all of us looking...one of us was bound to find her. I gave them all a smile and told them thanks, then we all split up to broaden the search...mama D even came back to the hotel to help search again.

I began to get a sense of hopelessness, for it was like I never smelt her at all...maybe I was losing it...from waiting and longing for her for so long...that I was beginning to imagine her scent...but Klayton told me I wasn't imagining it...for he and the other's smelt it too...but it just disappeared...I was hoping beens Rachel was a newbie vampire, that her senses were at their most acute level...and she would be able to track her down easier and more quickly than any of us could...I looked around and asked where Klayton's new other half was at...Klayton spun around and shrugged his shoulders...then he said she was probably still looking for my mate to be.

Rachel was over at the bar, talking to her sister...that she came to Vegas with, and told her everything except for the vampire part...she left that out...but Rachel was so wrapped up in telling her all about the new man in her life...that she was going to marry...and love forever...that she totally forgot that she was looking for someone...then her sister asked if she was going to meet this very handsome and very lucky guy...Rachel gave her an insecure shrug, not really wanting to get her mixed up in the nightmare she was now a part of for the rest of her life...but she didn't want to lose her only family member either...and she knew if she took her to meet Klayton...that Criss would probably make a very short meal out of her.

Sully came out of nowhere, and began to flirt with Rachel's sister...but when she took a whiff of him...she smelt whiskey and cigarettes...Sully turned around and stared right at Rachel as if he was staring right through her...and when she saw his eyes flash...she couldn't believe it Sully Erna of Godsmack was a fucking vampire too!!! Rachel didn't know what to do...so she just grabbed her sister and told her to come with her right now...Sully jumped up and asked her sister what her name was...she smiled at him and told him that her name was Kc...as Rachel was very easily dragging her away from him.

Kc asked her what the deal was...that she almost had a date with him!!...Rachel looked at her and told her that she was just trying to protect her sister...then as Rachel hugged her...and breathed in...she couldn't believe it...her sister!! Was the one that smelt like apples and strawberries!!...She looked at her little sister, then tried to level out what she needed to do...should she hide her somewhere...or should she take her to meet Criss...she didn't want her sister to be turned into a monster like her...but she didn't want her new mate, to lose his brother and best friend because of not having his soul-mate that he's been waiting forever to be with.

Kc didn't understand what her sister was so confused about...then said she was going back to hang out with Sully...for she was tired of being alone too...that when she said she had someone else she wanted her to meet first...that way she would have a choice...instead of taking the first one that came along...Kc looked at her and said humorously one what...Rachel paused for a second and said the first guy that came along. Kc stopped and said before she went to see any guy, she was going to her room, to freshen up, and put on some better clothes...Rachel laughed on the inside and said to herself, that these particular guys don't give a damn about physical appearance...they are all about the smell.

But as she watched her sister go to their room...she rushed upstairs to my room and said she found out who was carrying the fresh fruity smell!! I jumped up and asked her who and where...but she told me to calm down and that she would bring her up when she was done freshening up...then looked at all of them in the room and said that the girl I have been tracking all this time was her sister Kc...and told me that I needed to be very nice and gentle with her...for she was very timid, and extremely shy...except when she was drunk...then she said to herself...unfortunately, she was a little bit intoxicated, but hopefully not enough to make a total ass out of herself...in front of the one vampire that wanted to make her his soul mate for all eternity...so very...very badly.

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