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My talons were digging in a little bit deeper into Sully's neck...as I gave him one more chance to change his mind...and live to fight me another day...Sully laughed wickedly and said if I wanted her I could have her...then he immediately caught me off guard and spun out of my grip...and gave Kc a wild toss out the far window...I was after her before I even knew what was happening...Klayton chased after Sully but...with some kind of magical oval globe...he tossed at his feet...a burst of smoke went everywhere and Sully was gone.

I flew down after Kc who was screaming all the way down...but I didn't know what scared her more...the fact that she was falling...or seeing me flying down after her...Rachel saw her sister falling from the ground...and was praying that I got to her before she hit the ground...just as the ground was so close to her back...I pulled her into my arms and made a quick aerial U-turn, and headed back up toward the clouds...Kc was squirming and crying...for me to let her go...I held her closer to me, as her scent flooded my senses...I couldn't believe I actually found her after my whole existence of searching...I was one vampire that found his soul mate...then I looked down at her and said to myself...now if I could just get her to love me...but how...she was scared to death of me...and everything that's happened to her.

I finally decided to land on good ole terra firma and sat her down next to Rachel and my family...Kc ran to her sister and looked at me up and down, then fainted...Klayton looked at me and said very humorously that I had a real way with the ladies...Rachel looked at her sister and asked what we all were going to do now...I went over to her, and grabbed her sister up in my arms and said very boldly that we were going home...Klayton wrapped around Rachel and carried her. JD, Costa, and Dimitra all followed very swiftly on foot...for none of them had wings.

I lit on top of Serenity with Kc clutched securely in my arms, and carried her to my bedroom...where I laid her gently on the feather mattress, and placed a blanket over her...and I sat down beside her...with all new emotions flooding into me...plutonic erotas was hitting me 100 fold, as my soul mate was laying so close to me...and I just wanted to hold her in my arms and love her...but unless she accepted me freely...there was nothing I could do, but continue to weaken as my wings molted...and if she didn't accept me before my last feather fell...I would turn to dust and die...like I never existed...but I quickly turned off those bad thoughts and said to myself, that I could win her affections...I just had to keep trying and show her that I wasn't going to ever hurt her.

I gently kissed her forehead, then walked downstairs to be with my family...to tell them that she was sleeping peacefully now...but then told Rachel that she might want to be there when she woke up...so she wouldn't get too scared...Klayton kissed her neck and slapped her ass playfully as she headed up to my room...mama D noticed I wasn't up to par like I should be and asked me if I was going to be ok...I looked at her and slightly smiled at her...then told her that I was really feeling the effects of plutonic erotas, and my longing was becoming too strong for me to control. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek and said that Kc would come around...to liking me...that I was just a very likable guy...I gave her a sarcastic smile and told her as I walked away from her...that I wasn't a guy...I was nothing more than a fucking monster...and Kc would never see me as anything else than just that...and then I was going to die from her denial.

Klayton came over to me, and said that he's been with me too long to lose me now...and he wasn't going to let me die...JD and Costa both jumped in and said that with all of them by my side, and if they all talked Kc into understanding how important she was...and what the results would be if she was to say no to me...maybe she would have a heart of gold, and do it just so I wouldn't die...then fall in love with me afterward...I thanked them all for their support and words of inspiration...but I told them, no matter what they said or did for me...that in the end whatever Kc decided was going to be my fate...for I was now bound to her...my life was in her hands...then I slowly walked out to the balcony...and looked up at the stars...Klayton looked toward me then looked down, knelt down and slowly picked up a single black feather from Serenity's floor...and looked at me with deep fear and worry for me.

JD and Costa looked at the feather in Klayton's hand and asked what that meant...he looked at all of them and said the process had begun...for one thing about winged vampires...was that no matter how violent the battle was...the feathers from the wings never fell out...or could be damaged...but when they began to fall out...it meant that soon death was following...and there was nothing any of them could do to save me...Kc was the only one that could save me...and by the way, she feared and found me repulsive...she wasn't going to be in the saving mood.

Meanwhile, back upstairs in my room...Rachel was sitting beside her sister on the bed's edge waiting for her to wake up...while patting her head gently with a damp cloth...Kc slowly came too, and asked where she was...and what was happening...Rachel calmed her down and told her the whole story from the beginning...then told her about Klayton and everyone downstairs...then she started in about me...and what I was, and how long I have been waiting for her...and that without her...I would die...but all Kc could do was tear up and cover her ears with her hands telling her sister that she didn't want to hear anymore...that it was all to much and crazy for her to believe or understand...and that she just wanted this nightmare to be over.

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