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After the first day and nothing changed with Kc...her body was still silent...most of my family left the room unable to watch anymore...but Klayton, Rachel, and Sully stayed right by my side...but I knew she wasn't dead...because I was still fine...if she were dead...I would have joined her already...I looked at Klayton and asked him if he put enough venom in her to change her...he shook his head yes...I moved very closely to Kc and touched my lips to her cheek..but felt nothing...so I went to her neck and saw Klayton's fang marks and sank my fangs into the same marks on her neck and put more venom into her...without drinking one drop of her blood...but knew she was still alive...for I could feel the warmth of her blood hitting my fangs.

Then I pulled Sully over and told him to give a little venom from him as well...he grinned and said gladly...for each of them had my venom in them...but they also had their own venom too...but I grabbed him and told him not to take one taste of her blood...he chuckled at him and said yes daddy...he injected his venom then released and pulled away...forgetting how hard it was to do that without sucking them dry...that he had to sit down in the corner...then all we could do was wait to see if she was going to change...

But two more days went by and still nothing...I didn't understand it so I too left the room and just left her there alone...later that night...the smell of wild strawberries and fresh apples were filling the room, and it flooded into the entire house...I jumped up and flashed into the bedroom and looked in at her...her body had a beautiful glow to it...and I knew she was changed...but she wasn't awake yet...I went back to her and placed my lips on hers and kissed her very passionately and asked her to come back to me...just then I felt her hand touch my face...and when I looked up to her eyes...her beautiful baby blues were now a bright white...but then she flashed them again...and they were a bright blue.

I hesitantly stepped back...just in case she held a grudge on me for being a part of turning her...but before I could move away she grabbed me and kissed me, and asked me where I have been...that she's been waiting for me...I told her a little confused that she just know woke up from a deep sleep for four days...she stood up very quickly...and looked at herself in the mirror...and watched as her image disappeared...she looked at me and said she was a vampire now...I looked down and told her I didn't want to do it...that after mating with her...she was uncontrollably bleeding to death...but when I tried to save her...I couldn't do it...so Klayton changed her...then Sully and I also put some of our venom in her as well when she didn't wake up...but none of that mattered anymore, because she came back to me, and we would be together forever.

Kc ran downstairs to be with our family to let them know she was alright now that she was a true member of the family...and told everyone that we all needed to get ready for the war of Nocturna...for she was going to be coming...mama D looked at her and asked her how she knew that...and Kc turned to her and to me and Klayton and said she can see through her eyes, and she saw all the vampires she had created hiding inside the walls of her secret fortress...but then she saw something that really confused her and she looked right at me and said why did she have the same type of ring on her...as she did with my family crest on it...I told her to describe it to me in detail...after she said it was made of pure gold with the crest inlaid in diamonds...I told her that was my mother's ring...and I thought it died with her...that all rings with the family crest on them each had a magical power...and Nocturna always craved that power ever since he turned her to be his second mate...but the first chance I got I banished her.

Klayton gave her a hug and welcomed her back...then asked what else could she see...but once she thought of me very strongly she realized that she was seeing herself through my eyes...then to test her theory...she thought about her sister and sure enough she could see exactly what she was looking at...but was a little embarrassed when she realized that her sister was looking at Klayton's ass...and she snapped out of it...then she jumped in Criss's arms and said she had the ability to see through the eyes of others...all she had to do was think about who she wanted...and then she was immediately seeing thru their eyes...at whatever they were looking at...once she said that I wanted to test a little theory of my own...I tried talking to her with my mind...and she answered me out loud...and Klayton and the other's looked at her like she was losing her mind...for they didn't hear what I asked her in my mind...Kc quickly turned to me and asked me what just happened...I smiled at her and told her I was talking with her mentally.

Klayton and Sully wanted to try the same thing...so they both started talking to her with their minds and she grabbed her ears and told both of them to stop talking so loudly...and to talk one at a time...they both began to talk out loud and said that Kc had a lot of awesome new abilities since she was turned into a vamp. JD and Costa said that would be a good defense against Nocturna and her brood of rival vampires...mama D didn't care about any of that...she was just happy that she was back and ok...Rachel then brought up the subject...about why her sister hasn't fed on blood yet...but hasn't craved any either...that when she turned she craved it almost instantly...Sully went up to Kc and asked her if she'd like a drink...then handed her a cup of blood...but as soon as she smelt it...she pushed it away...and said no way was she drinking something that smelt that disgusting.

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