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Klayton woke up with Rachel tucked under his arms this morning...she had no idea that he gave her a real dynamite hickey...that was going to change her life dramatically...but she was going to find out as soon as she woke up...for her vision, hearing, and sense of smell would be amplified to about 1000 fold...and she would be very thirsty...Klayton had his red wings wrapped around her...for after the night of mating...he totally forgot about her not really understanding what he was...but know it was too late, for she was a vampira now.

Rachel slowly woke up, as she was wrapped in a very warm blanket...but when she looked up and saw Klayton looking down at her, she immediately noticed his eyes were glowing...and he had fangs!! she tried to jump away but she wasn't wrapped in a blanket...she was wrapped up in his wings...she began to panic...but Klayton calmed her quickly and said that she was totally safe with him...for he loved her, and he wanted her to be his soul-mate...Rachel stopped and looked back at him, and asked him what in the hell was he...he slowly opened his wings so she could get up...and he sat up and said he was a vampire...but then with a little grin...he added that now so was she.

Rachel jumped up rather quickly and began checking out her body...and looking for wings...but Klayton laughed at her a little bit, and said female vampires don't get to have wings...it was a male trait only...then she ran into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror...and screamed when her image disappeared...Klayton came in and she said she disappeared!! Klayton put his arm around her and said that vampires don't have a reflection...and that she didn't disappear...for she was right there with him. After he got her calmed down...he asked her again if she would be his mate.

Rachel looked at him and asked what the catch was...Klayton told her with complete sincerity...that there was no catch...he loved her and wanted her to be his mate...she looked at him and laughed while asking him...why in the hell did he call it mate instead of wife or girlfriend...Klayton told her that beens he wasn't human, and in many ways, he was more animal than man...that it was called mate...for calling it wife or girlfriend...would mean capable of separation or divorce...and vampires had no language for that...once a vampire chooses his mate...it was forever...and the only way they'd ever separate...is if one of them was killed in battle.

Rachel said she wasn't ready for any of this, and she tried to leave...Klayton stopped her and warned her that leaving the security of the room...wasn't a good idea...for she hasn't fed yet...or learned how to control her thirst...but she couldn't believe what she was hearing...and she ran toward the front door...only to be stopped by Criss...his eyes were a bright red, and his fangs and talons were showing...and he backed her up real quick and told her she couldn't go out without feeding first...for neither he or Klayton could risk having a lot of humans finding out about them...and if she went down there...she would definitely make a scene...and that she'd end up attacking human's left and right for their blood.

Rachel backed up and said she could never do that to another human being...Criss gave her a cynical grin and told her she wasn't human anymore...and her vampire would definitely come out...in ten fold, being a newbie vampire...then he walked around her and opened the fridge and handed her a cup with blood in it...she saw it and she almost puked...but when he removed the lid...and she smelt it...she took it very quickly and sucked it down instantly...Klayton watched as Criss wickedly congratulated her...she just drank 2 pints of human blood...without even the slightest hesitation...Rachel sat down and glared at Klayton and asked him what in the hell did he do to her...Klayton looked down and away...Criss jumped up and protected his brother, and told her that he changed her because he loved her...and if Klayton wouldn't have changed her...then he would have had a midnight meal...for he couldn't stand being around humans long.

After the long talk between Rachel and Criss was done...she realized that the safest place for her was with them...and now she could never go back to her boyfriend...for if she did, she would end up killing him for his blood...and she did have a very handsome male vampire that wanted to be her mate for life...she leveled up all her options...and said she didn't have anything else to lose...and a lot to gain, if she accepted...so she walked up to Klayton and placed her hand in his, and said she accepted him as her mate...Klayton gave her a very warm and kind smile, then as he pulled her in for a hug...he wrapped his huge red wings around her...and under the cover of his wings...he kissed her very deeply.

Criss gave his brother a slight smile...for the fact, that he was happy he found his soul-mate...but now it was his turn to see if he could locate his...Klayton told Rachel that he had to help his brother find his soul-mate now...Rachel asked what she looked like, and she would help too...Criss told her jokingly that they didn't know...for they never saw her...that he only knows her scent...of wild strawberries, and fresh apples...and when they found the scent...they'd find his mate...no matter what she looked like.

As soon as Rachel heard that vampires go by scent...she took a whiff of Klayton and said he smelt like Leather...then she moved close to Criss and said that he smelt like garlic...then she asked why he smelt like the one thing that could hurt/kill him...Klayton told her that it was just a myth...that Criss was actually very partial to garlic bread...Rachel looked at both of them and asked if they had any weaknesses like silver, wooden stake to the heart, holy water, or anything like that...Criss was laughing his ass off, at her silly question...and told her that she really watched way too much television...for his blingage was made of silver and diamonds...and added that vampires didn't have a heart, or blood, or a pulse....that they were the walking dead.

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