Chapter 3: Almost There

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It didn't take long, till the boss made you sit down. You rubbed your arms still shivering from the cold. The boss only looked at you, moving from his hand as he moved ed the hair out of your face. He saw beauty in his eye, which is interesting for a human in his eyes. Close he was, the others went on to do their own business. Yet when he got closer than he was, he smelled a different scent. He pulled his head back, staring at you. You only looked at him, he wasn't digesting as what you thought of trolls when you were little. He was more, we'll smaller size. "That's strange." he spoke.

"Strange?" you asked. He only nodded.

"You've been claimed. By who?" this only made you curious, could other creatures tells of you've been claimed? Was it a scent thing?

"Sportacus, he's well Number 10." his eyes widen, moving himself back.

"That blue elf is your mate?!" you nodded once more. "So the stories were true."

"About me?" he nodded.

"We thought it was a hoot, some elf loving a human. It had to be a foolish thing to be ever heard, but your the real deal." you nodded.

"It wasn't easy." you shivered one more as the boss felt a little bad.

"Look we don't have to do this-" yet he stopped himself as your lips pressed against his. It wasn't long and he was startled. Yet when he pulled away. He was impressed. "Wow, tasting a human never tasted so good." least now you know what tasting to.trolls was. "Alright the favor has been done. You can stay here for the night and be on your way. But I should warn you, there are ogres around these parts. They aren't friendly like we are, but threaten them and they shall kill you." you would remember that. He let you go as you walked back to Sportacus. Ipro noticed you as he gave you a soft smile, Sportacus then looked over, you kneeled down getting on his lap. He wrapped his arms around you, his body heat kept you warm and you felt better than you were.

"You know, you could have told me tasting was kissing in troll term." Sportacus rolled his eyes, before kissing your forehead. "But the boss did tell me this, there are ogres around here. We cannot threaten them."

"It's strange to find ogres around here. They are usually live in the south of the mountains. I wonder what they are doing up here." Ipro spoke, his arms were crossed over his chest as he stared out into the rain, hard as it was. You only looked up at Sportacus. Finding either his chest, you felt his crystal against his holder. He looked down at you, he whispered sweetness, telling you everything was going to be fine and how beautiful you were. ere. It was comforting, only making you leaned into him more.

"I miss him, he's okay?" looking up at him, he only softly kissed your.

"Trust me." It wasn't long til you softly fell asleep in his arms, Sportacus only looked back outside. More trouble awaits them and they haven't reach the border yet.


Everything seem to be going peacefully, the sun was shining, puddles were everywhere. You jumped over a few of them, Sportacus only chuckled at you. You looked back and ran to him. He caught you, lifting you in the air, while placing you back down on the ground.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself a little too much?" he spoke, causing you to giggle a bit.

"I know we are suppose to be serious and all, but I don't know I just felt like wanting to do it." giving him a smile, Sportacus only shook his head a little. Everything seem to stopped, birds flew air in the sky, Ipro hid behind one of the tress, motion the two of you to do the same. Sportacus held you close, on one of the trees, looking around with the slightest intention. You saw what you couldn't believe, this creature was huge beyond compare, you assume it was an ogre looking for something. You peered over at Ipro as he motion you to move once more, but quietly at the same time. Hurrying teh fast as you were, silently as well. The ogre only looked around, but just shrugged it off and continue doing what it was doing. Far away you were, you wipe the sweat off your forehead.

"That was a close one."

"Indeed, I don't want to mess with their kind. Not ever." Ipro spoke as he continue walking. You began to follow him once more, it seem like for hours to be exact. The sun was soon setting and you hope you would have reached the border at this point. Yet when you notice something blocking the sun, other than the trees that were around it. Your eyes widen,

"Is that it? The wall.." covering your mouth. You began to run, Sportacus and Ipro hurried up after you. It just has to be, the place you were looking for. Ipro was calling you out, but you didn't seem to hear. Before you knew it, facing the wall finally. Darkness began to fall, stars were out and they stood besides you.

"We have to climb." Ipro spoke. With that, you climbed onto Sportacus back with his speed and agility you finally were at the other side. He set you down as you began to looked around. Everything was abandon, no color, no life, it was really scary to be honest. Sportacus only held you close,

"We are here, don't worry."

"It's not that, it's..." yet something was happening when you were looking at some of the homes, color began to appear. Little faes fluttering around, just causal fae talking to one another. It was like nothing has change, it seem normal. Yet what made you curious as you watched them. You saw the leader himself, he was..happy..smiling away. His wings made a sparkle almost like jewels were attached to him only making him more magical than he was. You felt a hand on you shoulder looking back at Sportacus, but by the time you turned your head back. It was gone, this was strange.

"Are you feeling okay?" he asked. You weren't sure, you were getting light-headed. Than your eyes closed and began to fall. Sportacus caught you and set you down gently. Ipro looked over.

"She must be feeling something about this place."

"I sense some magic still lingering around here." he felt the ground, the magic in this area was still strong, but not enough. "We will rest for the night and continue on in the morning."

"It's better this way." Sportacus picked you up as Ipro began to walked into one of the homes, it was dusty and dirty, he knew it would be like this. There were furniture still here, some were in good shapes than others. Ipro soon found a bed, pulling a blanket out and placing it on top of the bed. Sportacus set you down, before placing another blanket over you. Looking at each other, Ipro once again stood watch til it was alright to sleep. Sportacus only kneeled himself down, his hand onto yours. He began to mumble under his breath as the crystal around your neck started to glow. He hope you would hear it.   

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