Chapter 5: A Moment with Robbie

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With Ithro drinking from the bottle of milk, Robbie only watched the little guy. Sure it's been a few days since you and the rest of the elves left. But to be honest, he was lonely himself. Ithro finished his milk as he reached his hands out to him. Robbie lifted him up in the air, causing him to smile.

"You are getting big, your mother won't be happy about that." he chuckle to himself, causing Ithro to laugh. Tossing him up in the air, while catching him, Robbie began to cradle him in his arms. Ithro reached his hand out and grabbed his nose, but Robbie smiled down at him.

"I can't imagine myself, handling with children. They are all so loud and nosy and well seem to be well fine." Ithro only tilted his head to the side as he clapped his hands. His magic began to come out, only making Robbie nervous for a minute.

"Your father said no magic." yet Ithro didn't seem to listen, the toys in the area started to float and circle around Robbie. It wasn't life threatening or what not, but it seem to make Ithro yawned. He was tired of course he would be. Robbie began to stand up and walked over to his crib. While pulling the cover over him, his head rested against the pillow. The toys fall down to the ground, Robbie knew he would have to clean up after him. Ithro mumble under his breath, but Robbie didn't hear him. Robbie patted his head, before walking out of the room. Down the hall and out on the living room couch, Robbie felt exhausted, his head was back against the pillow. A nap would be nice, yet he couldn't. He felt like he needed to stay awake, his sleep schedule was out of whack, but when is it not.

"I hope you find whatever you were looking for ___________." in truth he missed you. You and him haven't had any time together, since Ithro was born, than there was the kidnapping and now all this. He couldn't blame you, he just missed you. He was becoming a big softie, the villain inside of him was losing himself. He wrapped his arms around himself in a holding position.

"The kid is nice, though magic isn't my thing. They should put warning labels on magical children." he snickered to himself, finding it funny. Robbie looked out the window, it was raining where he was. He hopes you were at least okay, even the blue jumping kangaroo. Relaxing himself, he took a deep breath, before hearing the sounds of crying. Up and again he was, he went to Ithro's room, yet when he got into the room, he noticed a blue light above the child, Robbie panic and ran to the crib, the light seem to vanished as he held the crying child in his arms. Robbie pleaded for the child to stop crying, Ithro only looked at Robbie, soothing him down. Robbie placed a finger to his lips, Ithro began to suck on it, calming him down. It was a trick he remembered his mother used to do to him when he was just his age. Robbie began to look at his surrounding, he didn't know what that light was, but it wasn't good. Robbie took his blanket out of the crib and walked away from his room. Into the spare room that he used, Robbie placed Ithro into the bed, covering him with the blanket. Ithro yawned once more, Robbie laid down besides him, just watching him sleep,

"No one is taking you, not on my watch." and soon Robbie himself, drifted off into sleep mode. This kid was wearing him out.   

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