Chapter 6: Surprise to say the Least

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Following up the path you went, you saw the figure once more. Was it luring you somewhere, should you even trust it. It lead you this far and you weren't stopping. Up the path you went, you noticed a little blue light. Strange, you continue walking up the path, til you reached a door. The light fainted and you saw the figure go inside. Opening the door, you widen your eyes, the room you saw was no more than a room fit for a child. There was a crib, with a cradle, the room was more of a mess, something or someone was snooping in here. The further you went inside, the door shut behind you. You turned around not seeing anything, this frighten you a bit, but you remained calm.

"Don't come any closer!" you quickly turned around, it was happening again, You saw non other than Stefan, holding his child in his arms. Fighting against the elves.

"Terminated, is a must, Maggi said so-"

"Forget that Elf, this is my daughter and I am not losing her too." angry as he was, he let some of his magic out on the elves. They slammed against the wall, the child was crying in his arms, he was weak and anymore magic he let loose, he too would be trapped. Hs daughter would be killed and he would break the promise.

"Give up, there is nowhere to run, Stefan. Maggi wants your head, for taking his own as your mate." your eyes only widen, Stefan was staring at you, or at least you thought. His wings flutter, the papers were flying everywhere, in a blink of an eye. Lights scatter everywhere. Causing a wall to blow up on the side of the wall. Everything vanished and you only stood there. It was like a record playing, yet why could you see it. It's not like you were there, then again, Sportacus did say magic still linger in this territory, bad blood. Before you can even continue looking, you saw something sparkle on the floor. Bending down to pick it up, dangle in your fingers. It was a crest, with a purple gem attached to it. A bracelet, with a silver band. There was something written in the back of the gem, it light up as you began to read it.

My dearest daughter, ___________. Treasure this as your mother did.

Your father, Stefan.

It was your name, no it couldn't be, yet before you can do anything else. A hand was wrapped around your mouth, magic linger in the air, your eyes began to dropped.


You woke up, not knowing where you were. You were on the floor, surround by what you seem like elves, only problems was. These aren't the ordinary elves you've seen before. It was than one of them approached you, whispers were in the air you only held yourself. Were these the hidden people, Ipro told you about? He looked down at you, crossing his arms.

"I sense you've been glamour? By who?" you didn't know, how were you even going to explain this. "You don't smell, human, but you are taken. By who?" By who? God this was getting complicated. Well, you better say something, cause this might get ugly.

"I don't know who glamour me and my mate is Number 10." gasps and shocked grew over the others. Figures they would do this. It was normal to you at this point of your life. He drew out a blue light, staring into it, it was the same one from before. You saw the image appeared. Your eyes widen,

"Is this yours?" he spoke. You nodded.

"Leave him out of this-"

"Truly a specimen, no being have I ever seen, since.." he paused himself as the blue light vanished.

" I correct.."

"So this one knows the great fae they called Stefan." he began to clapped to himself. The others were intrigued by this new information. "We were allies to the fae, til the day Maggi refuse to give up some supplies for his people." you knew it all too well. It was not a happy sight to see. "And yet, you are one of theirs, his mate. That blue elf!" apparently this was big and it was scaring you.

"Please..I just want answers-"

"If you weren't his mate, I would've consider, yet a powerful glamour on you, it's quite interesting." He came close to you, tearing off your shirt, before you can even speak. Words seem to gone thin air, you couldn't speak at all, he turned you around, seeing the markings on your back. "What are you hiding under there, my magic should be strong enough, let's see." he placed his hands onto your back, he mumbled words out of his mouth, you started to feel pain and began to scream. His hands were burning as he stopped himself. The others were silent, his hand burn and he was angry about it. He snapped his fingers as you were finally able to speak once more.

"I'm sorry-"

"No, it's something else...take her to the cell." the others grabbed you and began to dragged you away.

"Wait! I don't understand-"

"Apparently, you are the source to everyone's problems. Your child is the next thing I need to worry about." was he going to take Ithro? No, he couldn't, not your son. There was nothing you could do. Setting you down in the cell room. Shutting the door, you only hold yourself. You wish Sportacus was with you, maybe you wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.


"I can't find her!"

"We will find her." Ipro spoke, Sportacus knew this was a bad idea and he let it go anyway.

"Who would want her?"

"I sense dark magic here." Sportacus widen his eyes,

"Its them isn't it?" Ipro only nodded.

"The fae are no longer here, where else would they go?"

"Causing trouble is more like it." it was going to be hard to get you. Because the Huldufolk and the Alfar don't get along well.   

Sportacus x Reader - A Faeded PastWhere stories live. Discover now