Chapter 8: Reunion

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"Kidnapped? I-"

"Yes." he moved his hand over to your forehead, mumbling under his breath. Your eyes were closed, a memory was locked away.

"I got you, please tell me you're alright?" it was his voice.You looked over, seeing him holding you. He was tired and of breath, he looked down at you. No mark was scratched and he was glad. "What am I going to do?" He sat down, holding you close.

"You could hand her over to me~" Stefan looked over as he moved back away.

"Get away from her-"

"Or what? We know someone who very much wants her more than Maggi." the figure cast out a spell, causing Stefan to groan in pain. Vines began to wrapped around his legs.

"Get back!"

"You're weak, there's nothing you can do about it. Stefan you have lost. Just hand over the child and I can be on my way." Stefan looked down at you, your eyes mixed with confusion, the eyes of his loved one. He pressed his lips against her forehead, muttering under his breath. The vines began to crawl up, soon he would be trapped, reaching up to his neck the figure took the child away from him. Stefan can hear his daughters cry, a tear shed down his face and soon he was engulf. The figure chuckle to himself, yet what really surprise him was the markings were gone, no..

"You're useless to him."


You're eyes began to opened as you just shed a tear down. He placed his hand on your shoulder.

"I understand, but right now I need you to set him free."

"How?" he went into his pocket, pulling out a knife he handed it to you.

"Its blood magic, cut your palm and place it over the vines. Once the blood hits it the vines will slowly disappear and Stefan will be free."

"How do you know this would even work?"

"What else is there, I've tried everything." one way or another, he was helping you and this had to be done. You began to slice your palm, whimpering a bit you place your hand over the vines. He was right cause as as soon as you did that. They started disappearing. You stood back and saw the cocoon was now crumbling. Holding your crystal in your hand, the body began to move. The fae move over to him, kneeling down and checking to see if he was okay. A groan was heard. The fae looked at the other, his eyes opened up.

"Stefan, can you hear me?" he spoke, Stefan was being pulled up to his feet. He stumble a bit, finally he let his wings spread out. Causing himself down, he looked over at the fae.


"You can thank her." Stefan looked over at you, his eyes widen. Almost a spitting image of his late mate. Could it be? He moved slowly to you. You looked up at him, he cupped your cheeks, examining you. He brushed some hair out of your face. He soon began to shed some tears, he held onto you tightly. You only could return the favor.

"'s..really you." he pulled away from the hug as you softly smiled. "You've grown into a fine young fae.."

"Is that what I am.." he pressed his lips against your forehead, muttering under his breath. You soon felt pain, it hurt like hell. Stefan held you, calming you down. Your back felt like ripping to shreds, the wings began to escape your back as your ears began to change form. It soon passed, Stefan kept calming you down, it was over. He pulled away from you, adoring you. You soon began to touch your ears, they were just like Sportacus' and soon you felt the wings from your back. They were soft, but fragile, you noticed the color, it was a light purple, with a hint of pinkish tint, they were also translucent as well.They felt a bit heavy, but you should be able to handle it . You look up at Stefan, "'re my father than.."

"Does this upset you?" you shook your head.

"It's surprising..I was told my parents they didn't want me. I guess I never knew.."

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, like your mother...." you saw he was sad, but you just hugged him. He rubbed against your back. His chin on top of your head. "You're back in my arms. I've missed you so much." it was than your crystal started acting up. Breaking away from him, you began to hear his voice.

"If you can hear me, I just want to say I'm sorry.." what was he saying. Another glow came. "They have capture us and we are being put to a death sentence. I love you."

"We have to go back." Stefan looked over at the fae.

"Sega, what's going on?" he sighed to himself.

"Before I found you, the fae population cease to exist, but right now the Huldufolk have two people that are very special to her." Stefan looked back at you.

"Is this true?"

"Yes, Sega please take me back." he nodded. 


"You're crimes against the fae has ended. We hope your leader, will love the gifts we will sent." Sportacus' head was hurting and he needed to get away from all this, looking over at his grandfather, the others were snickering and laughing at the elves in chains. "Even though our leader, our number one, Stefan is no longer with us. May his time that once rule, shall perish the heroes before us." humming was heard all around the room. Sportacus closed his eyes, he hopes you were safe. It wasn't until they stopped when they heard shouting, his eyes opened, that voice he knew it all too well. Looking over, he saw you, yet he was amazed. It was than he saw you were holding onto the fae he thought was long gone. The others gasps and shock, whispers to the others. Was this a trick, what is going on. They landed on there feet, you ran over to Sportacus, hugging him. Stefan began to speak,

"These elves mean no harm! Let them go!" and so they did. Yet, one spoke up,

"Stefan, is that you?" he noticed his old friend. Alpha bowed in front of him. "My apologizes, we thought-"

"No, its alright. You may rise." Alpha began to stand up. 

"What happened?"

"I was trapped and my daughter was taken from me, but she is here and so am I."  

Sportacus x Reader - A Faeded PastWhere stories live. Discover now