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"It's a shame, your grandfather couldn't come along."

"He had to stay and make sure Sega was doing alright." you knew, with holding your son in his arms. He tugged at your shirt, letting him drink. On the bed you were, sitting while your father was sitting next to you, he only looked at your boy.

"He's grown."

"We'll are still new, considering we now dont know what he is."

"He's special, like you." you only giggled at him. Stefan only smiled back.

Arriving at destination

"Home.." you looked over at the window, the clouds were fading and yellow building began to shown. Lazytown.


Landing the ship near your home, you looked over at your father before Sportacus and Robbie left the ship to take stuff into your home.

"Now..father...things here are a little bit different than back at home."

"What do you mean?"

"This town, is well...human, they don't know about elf's or faes or...any magical creature."

"I see.." taking in a deep breath, he tugged his wings away, making you do the same. During the trip home, he taught you how to tugged your wings inside. Your ears never were the same, yet Stefan only whispered into your ear, causing them to go back to the way they were.

"Thank you." he only smiled, before walking out. Hearing the shouts and cheers of the children, you couldn't help, but smile.

"Sportacus, Robbie, ________, you've returned." yet what they seem to notice, was the little baby in your arms. Folding your shirt back to the way it was, they seem confuse as to what happened.

"Is that-"

"A baby, that's mine!" you only shook your head at Stingy. You noticed he wasn't wearing a hat, which caused Stefan to place something on his head, a blue hat out of thin air. You crack a smile, a thank you motion.

"We all have something to say...this is Ithro."

"Who's the father?" you only looked at Sportacus which caused the children to widen their eyes and smile bigger.

"I knew something was going on between you too."

"Yeah, well big surprise."

"So how's that man? He almost looks like Robbie?"

"He's my long lost father." there were so many questions the children kept coming, but to be honest you were tired and wanted a nap.Sportacus seemed to noticed, which gave him an idea.

"Why don't we all calm down. It's been a long trip for all of us, so why don't we be a little quiet today and relax." hearing those words come out of the elf's mouth. Made Robbie's eyes widen, the children gave a confusing look.

"Is this another one of Robbie's tricks?"

"No, I'm afraid not." they only seemed to nod and left, yet Stephanie only stayed. "You too pinkie."

"Congrations." she smiled and ran off. You've always like that girl. Sportacus went over to you and picked you up, walking inside your home, Robbie said his goodbyes and went back to his lair. Stefan only smiled a little, before turning himself around and looking into the skies. It was going to be dark soon, yet he only chuckled a little.

"Stasia, I've found her."   

Sportacus x Reader - A Faeded PastWhere stories live. Discover now