Freak Show

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Jean's POV

"Why are we here professor?" I ask as we take our seats. His wheelchair is between Logan and I as the show starts. "Besides aren't freak shows illegal?" I ask in a whisper.

"They are and we are lucky Logan got us tickets. There is a real mutant here and we are going to save her. As well as put an end to this show" he answers calmly. "Logan you remember the plan?" he asks and Logan nods his head.

"Ladies and gentlemen tonight you'll see creatures that will astound you. Now I know you are all wondering if it is true if we have a mermaid" the ring master states. "Well we do have one and she is beautiful and you well get to see her tonight" he announces. This gains roars and cheers from the crowd. Except for us as we just sat and watched. "But first..." he starts before stopping and I notice the professor using his powers. "Actually a change in plan, bring out the mermaid and allow me to introduce you to her. Ladies and Gentlemen meet Aquata" he announces and smoke appears behind him.

As it cleared there a giant water tank appeared with a teenage mermaid inside chained to the bottom of it. She tries to escape as she looks at the crowd scared. Everyone cheers and starts to take picture as the doors burst open. Police storm the room, but the professor freezes everyone. Except for us three and the mermaid he looks around confused.

"Hello Aquata do not be afraid we are here to help" Professor X states as we approach the tanks

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"Hello Aquata do not be afraid we are here to help" Professor X states as we approach the tanks. "We can free you and take you away from all this" he tells her pointing around the room.

"You mean I won't be caged anymore? But want about them?" she asks pointing to everyone else.

"They well not remember you as well as everyone from the circus. Then they'll be arrested and those held captive like you well go to new homes. But you'll come with us where no one can hurt you ever again" Professor explains.

"But how do I get out?" she asks pulling on the chain. "It is to strong I can not break it" she tells us.

"Logan can you and Jean?" Professor asks us. We nod our heads and I raised Logan above the tank. Before dropping him into the water, where he swam to the bottom and cut the chain off of Aquata. I then raised them both out of the water before placing them gently on the ground.

"Professor how we getting her out?" I ask.

"I'll turn human when I am dry then I can walk out with you" Aquata states. "Who are you?" she asks looking at Logan and I then the Professor.

"We are the Xmen and we help mutants find their way in the world. Teach them to control their powers" Professor X explains. "You can come with us or return to your family" he tells her.

"I don't have a family, I have always been with circus shown off as a freak" she states as she starts to tear up. "I hate it, I don't want to be a mermaid" she says. Just then a light surrounds her and she turns into a human teenage girl. Logan covers her in a blanket and helps her to her feet as she tries to walk.

She was a bit unsteady at first, but soon gains her balance and the four of us leave. "Where are we going?" she asks as we got into the car. Logan was driving with the Professor in the front passenger seat and me in the back seat with her.

"Back to the Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters" I tell her gently. "There aren't many of us there, but I'll introduce you to Storm, Kurt and Scott" I tell her. "But the professor has been picking up an other mutant. Though has yet to identify it" I explain.

"Want's your name?" Aquata asks.

"Jean, the one driving is Logan also known as Wolverine and the other person is Professor Charles Xavier. But we mainly call him Professor except for Logan who calls him Charles" I explain smiling.

"Why?" she asks confused.

"Logan is a lot older then he looks and is older then the Professor" I tell her.

"Healing powers?" she asks and I nod my heads.

"Do you have any other powers kid?" Logan asks.

"I can control water and can use it to heal minor injuries" she states. "But I won't use them ever again" she tells us.

"Why?" I ask shocked.

"I'm freak and I just want to be an ordinary human girl" she states.

"You are not ordinary you have an amazing gift Aquata" the Professor tells her.

"No gift, just a curse" she states teary eyed again.

"Only if you let it be" I tell her placing a hand on her shoulder. "I used to think the same thing about my gifts. Making things fly everywhere and hearing voices of others thoughts in my head. But now I have learned to control it and use it for good" I explain.

"I can control it when I am calm, but the master always electrocuted me when I missed behaved" she explains.

"That won't ever happen again" the Professor assures her.

"Yeah stuck with us kid and you'll be safe" Logan adds. Aquata smiles and dozes off on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders as the Professor smiles at us. "Get some rest it'll take a few hours get back" Logan tells me and I nod my head before relaxing.


Picture above of Circus flyer and picture in chapter of Aquata in her mermaid form.

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