Survival Camp

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Aquata's POV

We were all packed and got onto the bus to go to survival camp. It took some convincing for me to go. With the whole touch water sprout a tail thing. But the Professor wrote a letter so that I wasn't allowed to do any water tasks. I'm wearing black shorts, purple tank top and sneakers. We just arrived at camp and receiving the welcome speech by Sargent Hawk.

"You will not be making wallets, necktie racks or paper weights. You will not be engaging in potato-sack races, water balloon tosses or pony rides. You will be taking twenty mile hikes, rappelling 200 foot cliffs and crossing treacherous water with no more than a rope and all the courage you can muster" he states. "Do you read me?" he asks.

"Yes, Sargent Hawk sir" we say together.

I said, do you read me?" he asks again.

"Yes, Sargent hawk sir" we say louder.

"Welcome to Iron Back Survival Camp, a name you won't soon forget" he tells us crossing his arms. "Now here we have a young man called Scott Sumner" he states standing in front of Scott.

"Summers, sir" Scott corrects him.

"Whose Scholastic achievements at Bayville High earned him the rank of group leader" Sargent Hawk states. "You will be following his lead, you've got ten minutes to stow your gear and report to the training field. Dismissed" he finishes before walking away as I grab my backpack.

"I'm going to be dead in like two days" Kitty complains sitting on her suitcase.

"What about me? I'm a city kid" Evan states.

"What did we ever do to deserve this?" Kurt asks aloud.

"I'm going Awol" Rogue and I state.

"Anyone know how to hot-wire a school bus?" I ask.

"Whoa, slow down privates" Scott says placing a hand on our shoulders. "We're not washing out in front of the whole school. Besides Professor Xavier endorses this place" he reminds us.

"Yeah, at least he gave us a choice" Jean adds. Siding with Scott as always.

"Survival training here or with Logan" I grumble.

"Some choice" Rogue grumbles.

"Come on, we can do this" Scott says grabbing his bag. We all sigh grumbling as we follow him to out two separate cabins. One for the girls and the other for the boys. I got an amazing nights sleep.

But now we're doing a obstacle course. However, I can't do the final leg as it's on the water. So I am watching with Sargent Hawk while the others climbed the ropes first. "Sorry for the inconvenience Sargent, I'm just terrified of water" I half-lie.

"That is fine private, besides you're the professor's niece" he states. Just then Fred tried to climb a rope and it snapped in half. That doesn't stop Scott and Lance from reaching the flying fox at the top of their ropes. "Sumner seems to have some competition" Sargent Hawk states as they reach the rafts.

Lance avalanches Scott into the water and I use my power to flip his raft. Scott wins and I walk over to the others. "Nice one Aquata" Evan says giving me a high five.

"That loser Scott should of lost and you know it" Fred states as he walks over with Toad and Pietro.

"Yeah, just because he slipped and took a bath. The guy went ballistic" Pietro states.

"Slipped?" Kurt asks.

"More like avalanched" I snap.

"He stole that first place ribbon" Toad states.

"He did not" Kitty snaps.

"You want that ribbon so bad? I'll pin it to your forehead" Rogue states. We all then start arguing about who should of won. Sargent Hawk suddenly blows his whistle and makes us all do sixty push ups. Before having us stand to attention in a line.

"Here at Iron Back, we got ways to weed loudmouths from the tough guys. We fight out in the wilderness, against the wilderness. You grunts want to prove how tough you are, fine. First team to snatch the flag, I planted up there on mount Humiliation  and brings it back to me. Wins" he explains.

"Cake walk, our team can take a sauna. I'll get it myself" Pietro states.

"Not if I beat your there" Kurt tells him.

"The whole team or no one" Sargent Hawk snaps. "As proof, I want a snap shoot right there at the top" he states.

"Why don't I take the pic of the winning team? It seems unfair four against seven" I suggest.

"Allowed, but be careful. I don't want your uncle on my case if you get hurt" Hawk states handing me a camera. "Are we clear?" he demands.

"Sir, yes sir" we all say together.

"You leave in five from opposite trails, Aquata taking the shortest safest trail" he states before leaving. We then all go to prepare while Jean waits for Scott who was talking to Lance. Apparently they decided not to use their powers. Of course, that doesn't ample to me.

In the end they all reached the top together when the jet appears. Professor Xavier was in danger, along with Mystic. So I took a picture of everyone together and we took off. Dropping the photo and flag to Sargent Hawk along the way.

Once we reach the manor we had devised a plan to remove Juggernaut's helmet. It worked and the Professor knocked him out. He was taken back to his specialized prison cell and the the brotherhood left with Mystic.


Picture above of the photo.

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