Fred the Blob

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Aquata's POV

"Jean looks like your boyfriend is being a jerk" I state pointing at the big boy who throw Duncan to the ground. The boy had just grabbed a set of lockers when Jean approached the pair. "Not smart Jean" I tell her, but she ignores me and I sigh before following her.

"Hey you must be new here, I'm Jean Grey and this is my friend Aquata" Jean tells the boy.

"Yeah I am new, a new student I mean" the boy states placing the lockers down. While I noticed Duncan running away from the scene.

"We figured" I tell him and Jean shots me a look.

"Welcome to Bayville" Jean tells him smiling. "What do you're friends call you?" she asks.

"Don't know, never had any friends" the boy tells her. "But my name is Fred, Fred Dukes" he states as they shake hands.

"Well Fred I want to apologize for Duncan" Jean states.

"Yeah because he'll never do it himself" I mumble and she elbows me in the side. I shot her an innocent smile.

"He can be an idiot sometimes" Jean says turning back to Fred.

"More like 24/7, would you look at the time I'm late for Drama" I say and leave them. As I turned the corner I heard Jean helping Fred with his schedule. I reached my class and sat beside Rogue. As I said she had turned up again and now goes to school with us. But she still does not trust us. She does talk to me occasionally though.

"As a few of you haven't chosen partners I have assigned you one. Aquata you and Paul will be doing Laura and Jim from The Glass Menagerie" the teachers states as he hands out script. "That leaves you and you" he states giving Rogue and Scott the last two scripts.

"Oh great" Scott says sarcastically and I throw a rubber at him. Then smiled innocently as the teacher turns back to face us.

"You two will be doing Shakespeare Henry the Fifth, I've marked it" the teacher states writing something down. "Henry and Katherine the daughter of the french king" he tells us.

"Lots of luck to you Scott I don't this small dark and sullen has ever said to words" Paul says looking at Rogue. "You're going to have to play both parts yourself man" he states.

"Shut up Paul" I tell him sternly and he holds his hands up in surrender.

"All right class now I want you to get together with you scene partner and rehearse. We perform on Tuesday" the teacher tells us. The bell goes and I quickly tell Paul we'll rehearse tomorrow during our breaks.

"Hey are you ok with this?" Scott asks Rogue.

"I'm not afraid of you" Rogue tells him.

"I didn't say you should be" Scott tells her confused.

"Just tell your weirdo friends to keep their distance this time" she tells him leaning back in her chair. "Hey Aquata do you think you can help me with the accent during lunch?" Rogue asks me whispering.

"Of course want are friends for" I tell her smiling. "We'll hang out near your locker so we can get food before starting" I say.

"Sounds good" Rogues tells me and we leave class together. "So how do you know french?" she asks as we get our food.

"Before the others found me, I was part of a freak show and was taken all over the world in giant fish tank. We had a French man as our magician, but we spent a month in France then left without him. But when was around he taught me how to speak french then English" I explain. "Now the best way to get a french accent as to learn some of the language" I tell her.

So that's what we did until Fred went nuts and everyone was fleeing the cafeteria. Scott walked out greeted us and then Principle Darkhome arrived. Scott left after telling Rogue to met him in the park after school with her play book. "Aquata is it?" she asks before I could escape.

"Yes Madame Principle" I say nodding my head.

"Meet me in my office after school" she tells me and leaves.

(After school)

"So Aquata it appears you have no last name or even existed until a few weeks ago" Darkhome states as I sat across from her.

"All my information was destroyed in a fire and my Uncle Charles has taken me in" I tell her. It was my new identity that I was the niece of Charles Xavier. "Madame Darkhome, are we done here as I have to go rehearse for my drama project" I say.

"Of course you may go" she states and I leave. I decided to go to the park to see how Rogue and Scott were getting along. But when I got there I saw her alone looking mad. "Hey Rogue, what happened?" I ask sitting beside her.

"Scott just left with your blue friend, apparently Jean has been kidnapped by the new kid" Rogue states.

"Do you know where he might be?" I ask her.

"There's one place, come on" she states standing up. I follow her and we soon reach a warehouse. Outside Scott and Logan were unconscious on Logan's fallen bike. Rogue then removed her glove and tapped Scott's cheek gently. "Stay with them, I'll handle this" she tells me and heads inside.

I heard her and Fred fighting inside the warehouse while I try to wake the two men. Suddenly I watched someone be shot out of the roof by a red light. Rogue walked out with Jean as Scott and Logan woke up. She gave Scott back his glasses while I helped Logan stand not hearing their conversation.

Until I saw Rogue running away and I tried to follow her as did Jean. But Logan held us back saying Rogue wasn't ready. "Logan can you give me a lift to the park?" I ask.

"Sure kid and then we're going back to the institute" he tells me. He righted his bike and gave me a spare helmet then we were off. We got to the park and I see Rogue's stuff gone a note in their place. I pick up my backpack and grab the note, which said:

Sorry for running and I hope you will still help me in Drama, Rogue

I placed the note in my pocket and got back on the bike. Logan drove us home and I did my homework under Jean's watchful eye. Then had a training session with Scott before dinner. I helped Ororo in the greenhouse watering the plants before watching a movie with Kitty and Kurt. Finally I fell asleep on my bed beside Jean's where she was already dozing off. I changed into my blue nightgown and fell asleep after brushing my teeth.


Picture above of Fred Dukes and Jean.

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