Chapter 5

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I really couldn't deal with the mating thing right now, we had bigger problems, Hell, I had bigger problems. Like the fact that I shielded myself from my own mate. I don't have time to focus on that and he seems happy on his own. So, for now, he wouldn't know and I wouldn't tell a soul. Martha and Cloe set up the extra protection and then took off with Greg and Andy, leaving me with Kane, Blade, and Joey. 

That moment, Jonah walked through the door. "What are you doing here?" I asked him and he grinned, "There something bigger going on here than just Martin and Kronos. Kronos needs a bride and soon. If he can't get the Alpha's daughter, he will find someone even more powerful." His eyes bore into mine. "What the actual fuck, Jonah? I am not more powerful than an alpha. I am nothing more than a regular-" He cut me off, "You don't even think about finishing that sentence, Ava Jane! I have been there since you were fourteen! I have been there for the last twenty years of your life! I know exactly who and what you are. You need to stop hiding it, stop being ashamed of it! You are strong and smart. Use your damn brain and see that being what you are, doesn't change who you are." I felt a tear leak from my eye, "It changes how people see me, Jonah. You know it will." 

His brows furrow in confusion, "Since when do you care how other people see you?" Another tear slipped, "Since now." I choked out before running out of the house and up into a secret tree house. I lay on the floor and sobbed. He didn't understand, I am a monster and now I have a fucking mate, who is going to fear me, reject me, hate me. Why wouldn't he, my parents did. I hated this, being weak was not something I was used to. I have to be strong, always. People depend on me. 

I heard voices below me and knew that they could see or hear me, so I listened. "What was that all about?" Kane asked Jonah. Jonah sighed, "She's not a normal wolf, ok. Leave it until she is ready to talk." Kane growled, "If she is going to put my pack in more danger, then I need to know!" I had enough and dropped down next to them, going toe to toe with the large enforcer. "Listen to me, you hard-headed shit, I wouldn't be here if I thought that  I would put your pack or anyone in more danger. Right now, I'm the best hope this pack has of getting rid of the threat, even if that means I have to offer myself to Kronos. So either help me, or back to practicing your dance moves with the Backstreet Boys, got it?" I didn't wait for an answer before shifting into my wolf and tearing off, looking for any trail to lead me where Regina was holed up this time.

I heard them behind me, the team of enforcers, and smiled in my head. I knew that would light a fire under their ass. Fucking difficult males. I found a scent trail and followed it, it lead right to witches hollow, not good. I stopped and shifted back. "Shift back so we can talk." I told them and the three wolves shifted into Kane, Blade, and Joey. They grabbed shorts from a nearby tree and I lead them over to a row of bushes. 

"Regina's trail leads to the Witches Hollow, it's a breeding ground of black magic. Most of the witches there are older than dirt and none of them speak English, they are old world witches and very crafty. We need to be careful, because if she is doing what I think she is doing, your Luna is in deep trouble." They snarled because wolves are fiercely loyal to their Lunas, even more so than their Alphas. 

"So, how do we find out what's going on in their, just walk in and ask?" Blade grumbles and I shake my head, "You can't just walk in there, for one. They would know you were a wolf from the instant your cross the border. No, I am going to have to go in there and talk to them. I have a few contacts in there, plus, I don't smell like wolf." Kane shakes his head, "No way am I letting you go in by yourself, you could get killed." I shrug, "It's always a risk, but you will still have Jonah to help you." He huffs, "We can't trade Jonah to Kronos in exchange for our pack." 

Ok, I will admit, that hurt a bit, especially coming from my own mate, but whatever. I don't have time to deal with feelings. I shrug, "Won't be my problem, I'll be dead." With that, I left them standing there, watching me walk into the most dangerous place ever, a place I swore never to go back to, fucking mate bond. It's already making me act stupid. Just before I step inside, I turn to look at them and Kane's eyes meet mine. I take a deep breath and step into the land of nightmares. 

I see Daphne standing there, tapping her foot. "Took you long enough. She wants to talk to you, now." I sigh, slumping my shoulders, I should have known, Lacy wasn't a patient person. I follow behind Daphne and we head to her home. Lacy is sitting at the table, waiting. "Ava, Darling. So good to see you again. What is it that you need?" I step forward, "Regina is after a pack, she is stealing wolves on the order of Kronos. It's bad, she has to be stopped and Kronos is looking for his powerful breeding machine. The Alpha promised him a daughter and has yet to have one or any children." 

"What about you? Will you really give yourself to him, knowing that you have a mate?"  

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