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It started off as a normal day for Josh, it was a cold yet warm British day, the weather couldn't be more normal, warm yet cold. Describing it like that sounds pretty odd don't you think? Here let me explain, it's the kind of weather that you can wear a jumper/jacket or a shirt and feel comfortable in both. Warm yet cold. He had woken up late, around half twelve because of the late night Supernatural binge he had had the previous night, -well it was more the morning - good thing it was a summer break for the local collage he was studying in. It wasn't the summer holidays yet, it was a half term break, meaning they get a week off half way though that term - or semester if you're American - before they have to go back and deal with the dreaded​ end of year exam. And since Josh had woken up he had been revising, with the few coffee breaks he needed, and once in a while a snack break of some toast and raspberry jam, or a packet of salt and vinegar crisps.

It was now seven thirty and Josh needed more then just a five minutes break for food and coffee. He needed to stretch his legs out and get out the house and clear his head and think about something more than just collage work, so he did just that. He put his shoes on, grabbed his favours coat with a fluffy hood and left his small home he shared with his parents, on the way out he picked his wallet, phone and keys up and then off he went.

The weather had now gone form being warm yet cold to just plain cold, Josh felt very glad he had brought his coat as he walked down the cold streets of London. Taxis and busses whizzed past him, the wind they created sending a chill though his body causing him to pull his jacket tighter around his frame, a shiver running down his spine. Maybe he could stop at a coffee shop for a while and warm up and the head home. He had enough money, but he also needed to get other things with the only tenner he had, so could he really justify spending almost half on a coffee from the 24/7 Starbucks he had spend too much money in already?

Josh's feet seemed to have already decided for him as they took him in that direction, the street lamps over his head shining a bright light down causing his shadow to look longer than it actually is. Josh pulled his jacket around himself a little more as a gust of wind sent chills down his spine, his body now shivering so he quickened his walking pace up so he could be in a nice warm Starbucks sooner.

Now, to get to said Starbucks,  Josh could either continue the on the path he was on, or he could go down an alleyway and cut ten minutes of his walk and be there sooner. As another gust of bitter wind blew though him, Josh decided to go down the alleyway. The only person who would be there would most lightly be a homeless person so Josh made sure to have some change handy to give to them if he saw one and they asked for anything.

As Josh turned down the alley, he noticed there was only on street light working, and that was at the end of the alleyway, the light flickering causing the atmosphere to look even creepier, like something out of a horror movie. The feeling made Josh's heart beat speed up a little. As he quickened his pace down the alley, he noticed a man leaning against the wall, his food up causing his knee to bend, the light of a cigarette tip burning in the dark, the only indication of it being a man was the deep grumble that past his lips as he tried to re-light the cigarette that smelt strongly of weed more than it did tobacco, but Josh had little to no experience with drugs and drinking, he didn't find it very enjoyable so he never bothered to partake in it, he had drunk before but never gotten drunk, the idea just didn't sound like his thing. He also knew his 'friends' would be right there with Snapchat filming all the mistakes he would make, and he didn't need to remember every embarrassing thing he had every done. 'friends' with quotations because he didn't really have any, just the odd person he spoke with at college.

As Josh walked past the smoking man he could feel his eyes on him as he walked past, the feeling making him very uneasy and slightly off, but he didn't look back and kept going and soon he was almost out the alleyway. The flickering light of the dying street lamp was quite literally his light at the end of a dark road, and he was so close to being there, yet it still felt so far as he continued walking, his footsteps echoing down the silent alleyway. But his footsteps weren't the only sound.

"Such a pretty thing." A voice purred closely behind Josh.

Fear then struck in Josh as he tried to run away, or to scream for help, but he seemed glued to the spot. He couldn't move, his body was no longer being controlled by his brain, they seemed to be two different things and no longer working as one.

"Such a pretty little thing, you know it's dangerous to be walking out at night, especially alone." He spoke once again, his hands touching the bottom of Josh's back. "You should be more careful, keep a look out, you don't know who you could run into..."

Josh then heard him walking away, so with shaking​ legs that felt more like jelly than anything else, he took a step forward and then a deep, shaking breath escaping his lips, a deep breath be didn't know he was holding in.

"You could run into someone like me." He heard the guy growl from right next to Josh and then a hand with a cloth was covering him mouth, an arm wrapped around him to stop him from struggle, what didn't help was Josh is smaller than the guy grabbing him. "Just breath in and it'll all be over." He cooed in his ear.

Josh shook his head and tried to break free but the guys grip tightened around him.

"Do it darling." He whispered and kissed at Josh's neck. "So beautiful, just do it."

Josh had began to see black spots from holding his breath for so long, his lugs burning for air, his head feeling dizzy, and then he gave in and took a long breath, a deep breath causing him to inhale the chemicals on the cloth. Josh knew it was a knock out something or other, he knew that from movies, but he had no idea what it was called as kidnapped, thrillers and horror movies were never his idea if a good watch, he liked more animation, Tim Burton movies, but nothing could beat a good book in his mind. Despite hating horror here he was finding himself getting throw into the start of a horror movie.

"There we go, good boy, breath it in and get sent of to sleep." The voice cooed as Josh stopped fighting back and felt his limbs get heavier and heavier, his eye lids closing every so slightly and then they stayed closed, his body now feeling lifeless as he fell backwards, the back of his neck falling into the crevice of the guys neck, then rolling to the side so his lips parted and brushed over the tattoos he has there. Then his knees fell causing all his weight to be pushed back onto his kidnapper.

"That's right, sleep tight." He purred once again and kissed the corner of Josh's mouth. "Sleep tight, sunshine." 


It's finally here!! Guys I did it!! I finally posed this!! What do you think? Are you excited? I so happy I've posted it and I really hope you guys like it, if you do please give it some love by leaving a vote and if you really liked it then leave a comment because they really make my day. Anyway, have a good day my lill sinners xx

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