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The atmosphere at the house was cold and scary to anyone who got to close. The newspapers were now starting to die down and the media coverage of this kidnapping, murder, suicide was dying down with only the odd person still having things to say about it.

"Oliver was always a trouble guy, from the very first time I met him I knew something was up. He had this look, it was like a fixation look, but I never stopped to question it, after all I was just a dealer to him, yet he considered me a friend and I him. I know I should have called the police and told them he had Josh, but Oliver needed him, like I said Josh was his fixation. Josh was the only drug that was legal he could be addicted too. I just never thought it would have ended like this for wither of them.

"I knew if Josh was to die, then Oliver would follow him, he told me once, when Josh was sleeping, he had just calmed the boy down from a panic attack and we where sitting in his kitchen, he told me with such seriousness I knew this was the real him and not the drunk him, it was the real Oliver.

"He looked me in the eye and spoke 'Dig to graves because when he dies, I'll be leaving right by his side.' and then he took another drink of his beer and we continued talking about something or other, I can't really remember."

Jordan Fish and Matt Nicholas had both been asked to do a talk for the local documentary that was going to be filmed on the awful incidence that had taken place over for the past year.

Matt was a lot closer with Oliver then Jordan was, he knew him much better than he did, so he gave a lot more in depth talk about him, and now it was Jordan's turn to say what he thought of the whole situation what with him being the one who found the bodies.

"It wasn't the first time I had found a body, but I'm hoping it will be the last. I walked into the house after seeing the door was unlocked and called out for Oliver, but I didn't hear anything, so I went down to the basement to see if he had fallen asleep down there with Josh or something, I knew the both of them loved cuddling."

"It seems to me Josh had Stockholm syndrome." The interviewee interrupted, her voice slightly pained as she heard the God awful stories the two boys told.

"I guess he must have... But I went down to see if he was there, but as I went to go down I smelt an awful smell coming from the bathroom, so I went to see what it was and then I saw Josh lying on the floor, his face cut him and what looked like lipstick marks across this cheeks, but I soon figured out it was Oliver's lips covered in dry blood.

"It was awful." Jordan stopped for a breath as he felt Matt rubbing his back. "Josh was curled up in Oliver's chest, and Oliver was leaning back against the bath, his head leaning down onto his chest his chin was resting on Josh's head. The both of them surrounded with blood and vomit. Josh clearly had died from blood lost, and I had no idea how Oliver died until the police thing came back saying he overdosed."

"We knew something like this would have happened eventually, but neither of us ever thought he would kill Josh like that."

"It's truly awful what he went thought."

"No!" Matt pipped up. "Oliver took care of him, he fed him, got him clothes, bathed him, looked after him! But you don't care about the good he did! He did it because the boy was neglected at home and he wanted to help him, but I guess he couldn't save himself."

  Josh Franceschi, a seventeen year old male died from blood loss after be badly mutilated by his kidnapper Oliver Sykes. The boy suffered neglect from his parents and severe bullying thought his life

Oliver Sykes, a twenty seven year old male, drug addict, kidnapper, paranoid schizophrenic, died from an overdoes of sleeping pills, Antidepressants and Antipsychotic medication.

Both died together, a sad and tragic death. but both died knowing love, for the first time in their lives, both died knowing what it felt like to be loved.

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