Chapter Seven

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Josh was still very scared of Oliver, yes he had submissed himself to the older male, and had lost his first kiss, and let the man take his virginity, but that didn't mean they were now going to be a happy family with a white picket fence with a dog called Thor and maybe a cat called Loki, that seem like they shouldn't get on but actually do because they have known each other since they were a puppy and a kitten. No, life wasn't like that.

As Josh thought about life he thought of Deadpool, a big shock I know, when you're in a situation like this why think of Deadpool? Because despite his childlike nature - and his undying love Spiderman (Fight me Spideypool is OTP) - he couldn't help but think of one of the quotes said in the movie and at this point in time he related to it more than he ever thought possible.

Life is an endless series of train-wrecks with only brief, commercial-like breaks of happiness.  

At right now Josh seemed to be back abored the train wreck that was now his life. It was still a little painful for him to move about the place what with it being his first time and Oliver being a lot bigger then he looks, so as he heard Oliver stomping about the place upstairs he couldn't help but feel a little frightened as he wondered what had pissed the older, much more dangerous male off in order to stomp so hard in some places, dust from the beams above Josh's head floated down making his nose itch and make him want to sneeze.

He could hear raised voices, the other not sounding anything like Nicholas, despite the floor being between them, Josh could still hear them pretty well. He could hear Oliver yelling about needing something, the something he had assumed was some kind of drug, some drug stronger than weed - he knew that much, but the drug name he had no idea. He could hear Oliver getting more and more angry with him, his name being with an F? Like Fish, or Falcon? Some animal that began with an F, at least that's what Josh thought he could hear.

"FOR FUCK SAKE! I'M A GROWN MAN AND I CAN LOOK AFTER MYSELF AND I DON'T NEED YOU TO TELL ME WHAT I CAN AND CANNOT DO!" Josh heard Oliver scream, the younger instantly becoming fearful, that was the clearest thing he had heard and last time Oliver yelled something like that to resulted in his face getting punched - the bruising now having gone and the pain no longer there - and he really didn't want that again.

"THEN STOP ACTING LIKE A CHILD!" The other retorted back and Josh knew this fight would end in fists so he just got under his covers and hopped it would all be over if he acted like nothing was going on and everything was all good.

As Josh cuddled into himself under the covers, upstairs in the kitchen Oliver was indeed filled with a hot rage. He was arguing with one of his dealers, Jordan Fish, or just Fish as he was better known as. The reason for this very heated argument was because he refused to give Oliver anymore of anything, no weed, not ket, nothing until he was clean for three weeks.

"JUST GIVE ME SOME OR FUCK OFF!" Yelled Oliver, no longer wanting to deal with him, he just needed to forget for a little while, and if drugs helped him do that then what was the problem? See, there isn't one.

"You're gonna lose everything if you carry on." Fish sighed before throwing two small bags at him, both bags filled with a single dose of ketamine for the drug addicted tattooed man to take.

"Thank you. That's all I wanted." Oliver purred and slid his money across the table for the dealer to take.

"Just be careful, okay? Remember it's not you on your own anymore. You have that boy to look after now as well so don't be a prick and look out for him." Was the last thing Fish said before he picked his money up in the small wad it was in and then left, Oliver letting what he said in his sink in.

He did have Josh now, he no longer needed the drugs, but Josh didn't need to know about his past, that was one thing he couldn't help with, and one past of his life he needed Josh to stay out off, the younger was already in enough shock and probably heard the whole thing from down below and would need to be soothed. 

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