Chapter Five

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Books had always been a wonderful thing to use to pass the time, to get lost in the wonderful story line, to feel the connections with characters and feeling the emotion. Books were an escape, happiness, wonderful. And Josh loved them. He loved the feel, the smell, the sound, everything. So when Oliver gave him a book he wanted to cry out of happiness, he wanted to kiss him out of happiness.

He was half way done with the book when he heard the door open, and in walked to sets of footsteps, so Josh put the door down and looked up to see Oliver with his friend who was here before. He wasn't sure if he was told his name or not, if he was had had forgotten it.

"Your sleeping princess if finally up." Spoke Oliver's friend who had taken a seat on the floor, Oliver sitting on the bed next to Josh and pulling him into his side.

"Josh, this is Nicholls one of my very close and very important friends, do not mess with him." Oliver said the last part with a threatening tone that made Josh shiver a little.

"So what did you think of the shit from last week." Nicholls asked as he took a puff of his smoke, blowing the smoke into the atmosphere after.

"It was the real shit man, I felt amazing after. I felt like I was floating and on cloud nine." Oliver spoke as he pulled Josh closer to him.

It may have been cloud nine for Oliver, but for Josh is wasn't. He hated it, but he liked it, but he shouldn't have, but he did. He was confused.

"Stop thinking so hard, I can see the clogs turning in your brain and you'll give yourself a headache." Oliver spoke and took a drag of the smoke he had in his hand. "You need to calm down." Oliver whispered and leaned down to bit Josh on his earlobe causing the younger to gasp as Oliver tugged at it ever so slightly.

"Guys, keep the sexy to a minimum, I'm still here and I really don't wanna see you naked again Sykes." Joked Nicholls, he had once walked in on Oliver fucking some random girl when he was so smashed he could hardly do a thing, he passes out before he even came in her, not that he cared, she wasn't very attractive, and she was a girl. Oliver was so smahsed he didn't even know it was a girl.

"Hey, I wasn't even hard, you don't know what you're missing out on." He laughed and then saw Nicholls shaking his head not ever wanting to see his friend hard.

"Mate, if I wanted you I could have had you a long time ago." He joked, the flirty banter making Josh feeling like a third wheal in this situation. He also couldn't top the hurt he was feeling when Oliver joked about his friend seeing his dick. It was wrong, but if Josh was Oliver's like he said he was, then shouldn't he be the only one who can see his penis? That seemed like a reasonable request right? But what say did Josh have?

"Darling, I told you to stop overthinking things, you'll get a headache and I can't be asked to get you some pain killers, man I don't even know were they are. I probably don't have any, who the fuck knows at this point." Oliver rambled not making much sense to anyone other than himself as Josh had no idea what the high man was saying, and Nicholls had stopped listening a while ago what with him not being bothered about Josh he didn't take much interest in him, plus Oliver would kill him - literally kill him - if he looked at Josh for too long.

Josh just nodded and leaned back into Oliver as the weed smell made him sleepy, he had no idea why, he still had no idea what time it even was, maybe he should ask for a clock, or maybe he should just stop thinking and listen.

Oliver smoked some more of his smoke, this time it smelling very different to what Josh had now come to the conclusion was weed, it smells to different and he had no idea who to describe it. As he smoked it, his eyes went wider and he seemed a lot more open and chilled but he also seemed on a little nervous, as if he was looking out for someone.

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