Chapter One

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He lay there so still, his eyes covered with a silk blindfold, his arms wrapped in thick rope and placed behind his back as his body leaned against what could only be described as freezing cold wall. His legs were also tried up with thick rope and left to lay out to the side of his beautiful body so he would probably wake up with cramp. He had been like this for over three hours and he was beginning to worry he had given the younger boy a larger about of the chemical that he had meant too, but too much cloroform never killed anyone, right? Either way he didn't care, as long as the boy with the bright blue eyes wake up soon he would be fine.

Oliver Sykes knew this boy, he didn't need to look for ID. He knew all he needed to know about the younger boy. He had known this boy for a long time, longer than the boy himself knew. He had been watching him carefully, trying to keep him safe, but he couldn't do that without removing him from the situation he was in, so he did. And now he can keep him safe from his neglectful parents and abusive collage class mates. The first time Oliver saw Josh was when the younger boy was walking out the library when he was in high school, he had a black eye and three books in his hands. Oliver didn't talk to him, but Josh looked up with a sad face and smiled at him, a sad broken smile, but it was beautiful none the less. Then three boys walked out the library, all smiling and laughing and Oliver knew they had done something to this beautiful boy with the floppy hair and dazzling blue eyes. It was at the point Oliver vowed to protect this boy, to keep his safe, and it had taken him this long to finally get a hold of him to keep his safe. But now he had him he would never let him go.

After that Oliver made it his mission to find everything he could out about him, and it was very easy when you have friends like he does. He found everything out about him, from his childhood, his last and his present. Old schools, phone numbers, his address, he found everything. So Oliver would often go and see Josh at night, he would climb up the tree in the garden of his and his parents home and watch the boy in his room, sleeping, crying, revising, masturbating. Oliver loved watching Josh. But hated it when he would see the boy cry himself to sleep. It broke his heart he couldn't go into his room and hold him telling him his parents didn't mean anything they said to him, that he was perfect and he didn't need them because he would very soon have him. He detested seeing the boy coming home with bruises from collage. He wanted to kill the boys who would beat him up, he wanted to shoot them in the face and make them suffer like they do to that wonderful boy the beat down every day. He wanted to make them suffer, he wanted to put them through twice as much pain they put the boy threw so they knew never to mess with anything he loves again.

Oliver pulled a smoke from his pocked and then a lighter before lifting up the weed filled smoke and brought it to his lips as he tried to calm his nervous a little. He inhaled the smoke before holding it, and then exhaling and blowing the thick, white smoke up into the air and watched it disintegrate into nothingness like it always dose. He began to grow bored as he waited for the boy to wake up, and just as he went to light his now brunt out splif, he heard a soft, cracked and broken whimper coming from the side of the room, then a thump and Oliver could only guess the boy had banged his head on the wall behind him, then like before another whimper came and Oliver knew he had banged his head and was now struggling against the rope as he could hear hisses of pain coming from the boys lips. Surprisingly that was the only sound he made, he didn't scream, didn't call out for anyone he only whimpered and hissed. Oliver guessed his lack of speech was put down to fear, and that made him sad because he loved listening to the boy talking. It calmed his nerves.

"You're finally awake then my darling." Oliver spoke, his voice sounding harsh against the silence of the room. Josh silenced his whimpering as his head turned to face Oliver, but with the blindfold covering his eyes all he had as a sense of direction was his hearing. And to be fair he wasn't far off looking directly at Oliver, just a few inches to the left and he would have been spot on.

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