Chapter Six

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"You're scared of me aren't you?" Oliver asked.

It had been a few days and neither one had spoken to each other. Oliver had been to afraid to go and make sure he was okay, he felt so awful about his actions. He did make Josh food, but he left it on the top of the stairs, and he knew he ate it because when he would come back with the next plat of food he had for him he would see an empty plate - or maybe just a little left over food, but he didn't mind that at all.

Josh looked at Oliver with wide eyes as he jumped a little after hearing his voice. He was re-reading the book Oliver had given him, and was so wrapped up in the story - once again - he hadn't heard the door open, or maybe he had just ignored it so he was terrified when he saw Oliver standing at the foot of his bed.

Josh put his book down and nodded his head as he looked down.

"Oh darling, I'm so sorry." Oliver whispered as he watched the younger boy look down and hit behind his now slightly longer hair that came down to his eyes so he could his behind it. "I broke out trust." He whispered as he walked over to sit next to Josh who didn't move away that much, just so Oliver could take a seat next to him.

He was scared, yes, but he was more afraid of his actions that he was of his words. Oliver had slapped him twice now, and beat him up once. Words can hurt yes, but physical actions hurt him a lot more, all the things Oliver had said are things he had heard before so he didn't care that much about them. He was just now living in fear of being hurt physically once again, he had always hated that, and that scared him more than the words that would tumble from his mouth.

Josh looked up and leaned into his side and nuzzled his face into his arm. Yes he was scared, but that was more fear of the Oliver no drugs. The Oliver now being all sweet and no longer being high, or what ever it is when you're on drugs. The sweet Oliver with a smile on his face and not hurting him made Josh feel safe and special, the one who didn't need the drugs. The sober/clean Oliver, not the one of his face.

"I-I trust you." Josh whispered and grabbed Oli's hand and giving it a soft squeeze. "J-Just not when you-you're on dr-drugs." He said the last part even quieter in fear of Oliver hearing and flipping out.

Oliver smiled and leaned down and kiss Josh's cheek. Josh blushing and smiling leaned into the kiss, he wanted to feel more to know he was safe and that he could trust Oliver. The sober Oliver. Once Oliver's slightly ruff lips had pulled of his cheek Josh placed a shaking hand on his cheek and pulled his head down and connected their lips in a deep and loving kiss. Josh's other hand soon wrapped around his neck as Oliver slowly began to run his hands along Josh's hips, his tattooed finger tips rubbing over the soft pale flesh hidden under the slightly dirty shirt he had on. Josh removed his hand from his face and wrapped it around his neck with the other, both his and Oliver's noses squishing into each other's cheeks, the kiss now becoming deeper and full of passion, the kiss being one of the most thrilling feeling Josh had left in all his life. He had never felt more full of love, something he had craved all his life and never received, but this time, the one thing he begged for, the one thing he longed for the most he was getting. He was feeling love, his cheeks burning a bright red, his body trembling with fear, yet this fear now being one of a thrilling nature, his eyes closed, his crystal blue eyes hidden to hide the lust he was feeling in this moment. He wanted nothing more then for Oliver to push him down on the bed and continue making making out with him, but he didn't want to show he was giving in to this, he had to stay as strong as he could in this situation - even if this feeling made him weak in the knees and fill him with butterflies.

Oliver was feeling the love Josh was showing, he could feel the heat radiation off of the younger's cheeks. He could sense the passion and lust the younger desired to feel, but he could also feel this from his bottom half as his once flaccid penis had now began to grow from the very heated - and probably his first - make out session.

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