Chapter Two

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Josh was still shaking in the corner, his panic attack now having ended, and left him with a spinning head - but that could have been from banging his head three or four different times on the wall - and he was still feeling very sick. He hadn't eaten for a good while now so if he was sick he would have no idea what he would throw up but he could feel something rising up in his throat and then a warm, vial tasting yellow bile was pouring out of his mouth and onto the floor, a small dibble of the disgusting tasting yellow bile running down his chin. Then a fresh set of tears ran down his face as he wiped the bile off his chin and stood up with shaking legs. He hated being and feeling sick. Being sick was definitely one of the words feeling in the world for Josh.

Josh's legs were cramped and full of pins and needles as he stood up, and because of this, his body crashed into the side of the wall, his legs clearly hadn't woken up enough for him to move yet, but he wanted to get away from the stench of the yellow bile so he was going to move away from the vomit, if his legs liked it or not. With the wall as his guide he moved over to another side of the room, good thing it wasn't a very big room, but as he got half way across the room he felt his legs give in and he fell to his knees.

A huge sob past his lips, he tried to move but it was as if he had frozen in place. He tried to keep his noise level down as he didn't want to annoy Oliver, after seeing how much his moods changes, he did his very best to not make him agitated and anger him further. He had also heard more then one voice upstairs meaning Oliver had company so it could be double the pain form a beating if he annoyed the both of them. The room he could hear the voices coming from was directly above him so he knew something very bad could happen to him if he made too much noise. And he didn't want another panic attack, not tonight.

Josh had now guessed he was in the basement of some house far away from the rest of the world, maybe in a forest, somewhere people wouldn't look because then surly someone would have found him by now.... It had been twenty four hours so he was classed as a missing person, right? Maybe no one cared enough to look for him. His parents sure as hell didn't care about him, they never cared about him, not even as a child. He would often have to walk them home drunk from the pub down the road. He knew they wouldn't look for him at all, and if they didn't look then who would? He didn't have any friends, sure he knew a few people in collage who he could talk with, but they didn't know him well enough to look for him, hell he wouldn't​ be surprised if they didn't noticed his absence in collage. No one would notice until he was probably dead, having been killed here or having died of natural causes, he knew he wasn't leaving this place alive if no one came to look for him.

As Josh sobbed harder, his vision began to blur. His head hurt and his throat was burning from his recent vomiting. He still had no idea why he vomited, maybe it was because he smashed his head so much and he was getting a concussion, maybe it was from fear. He had no idea but he felt more bile rising up his throat, and then it was on the floor again.

Here he was, crying on the floor of his kidnappers home, vomiting this discussing yellow bile and wishing he was dead. At that moment in time he didn't think his life could get any worse at the moment in time?

Apparently it could.

The door to the basement burst open and Josh scurried into the vomitless corner and prayed Oliver would go. His ribs still hurt but right now that was the least of his problem.

A bright light shone from the top of some stairs and then a bight light flooded threw the room and Josh shut his eyes quicker than he thought possible. Josh huddled himself further into the corner of the room and acted as if he was sleeping and maybe then Oliver would leave him alone and let him be. But he doubted it would happen.

"Got yourself a new toy, ey Syko?" Came a voice that Josh didn't know, and he quite frankly did not want to know.

"No, he's not a toy." Oliver purred as he walked over to Josh - or so Josh assumed as he heard footsteps coming towards him. "I love him."

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