Chapter Four

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Oliver woke up with his arms wrapped around something soft and warm, and he felt very confused, then he remembered drinking, and then something about Josh. He opened his eyes but shut them after being blinded by the light he kept forgetting to turn off, but as he moved from lying on his side to lying on his back, he opened them again, but he didn't want to be awake, he was hungover and just wanted sleep, the light was too blinding to do anything right now anyway. The light was on a switch on the other side of the door, and Josh wasn't aloud out of this room. He never asked to leave this room and he never walked up to the door to find it unlocked. Of course Oliver would lock the door, he often forgets when he's smashed up on drink or drugs - anything that would help him forget for a while.

He then felt the younger boy began to move around, his body turning round and facing him, but he was still sleeping. He had placed his head on Oliver's chest, one of his hands by his head and the other by his face, his thumb close to being in his mouth. A small sigh past his lips and then his lips turned into a smile.

Oliver still felt pretty tried himself so he shut his eyes again, now having wrapped one of his arms around Josh's shoulders and pulled the boy closer. As he drifted off into another sleep, he let his mind wonder to last night as he tried to remember what he did. He knew he wouldn't have done anything good, but if Josh was cuddled up next to him like this then clearly what ever he did last night was good, or Josh wouldn't be like this with him. The boy had been non stop emotional and crying ever since he got here. He seemed to be at peace right now so what ever Oliver did maybe that is all Josh needed.

He couldn't have been further from the truth.

When Josh woke up he felt his head resting on something soft yet toned, and he knew it wasn't his arms like how he fell asleep before. He looked up and saw a tattooed arm wrapped around him. He tried not to cry as last night flashed back into his head. He could still tasted the salty substance on his lips, and it was no something he wished to tasted again - at least not until he was ready and was willing for it. He hated last night, he hated it so much, yet on some level he knew he loved the praise he got from it. It was a very messy situation.

Josh had no idea what time it was, he had no idea what the date was, or what day it was. If he had the guts he would ask Oliver for a clock and maybe a calendar so he could know the day, but he also didn't want to know how long he had been here.

Josh didn't want to wake Oliver up, so he just lay there thinking about things. Josh had never really spoken about what's on his mind, he knew no one cared enough to know. He thought about Oliver and how he shouldn't like - even love - the attention he was being given by him, he wasn't supposed to enjoy being called 'darling' or 'beautiful', he shouldn't like the pet names, and he shouldn't like the feeling and the little butterflies that appear every time Oliver calls him 'darling'. He should turn away in disgust, but it makes him feel better in some sick way. He loves the attention, but he hates himself for it.

He was a mess, and one that needed fixing.

"If you think too hard my darling, I'm afraid your brain will turn to mush and fall out your ears." Oliver spoke pulling Josh out of his messy, self hatred thoughts.

"I-I'm-m so-sorry..." Josh mumbled and stuttered like the nervous idiot he is.

"You don't have to apologise for anything, thinking is kinda fun, until it gets to deep, so keep your pretty little head out of those thoughts." Oliver smiled and kissed Josh's hand after he had locked their fingers together as he spoke to him.

"K-kind of hard in a situation like this." Josh mumbled and then felt himself blushing a little.

"Getting sassy with me are we?" Oliver smiled as he raised his eyebrow up at the younger. "I like the sassy Josh. I've only seen him a few times and I like him."

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