Chapter Three

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Oliver was fucked. He could hardly see anything in from of him, his eyes were glazed over and his pupils wide and larger than normal maybe they were the size of the moon, they could be he was that fucked. His head was spinning, like he was stuck in a carousel and it wouldn't stop.  Dear head, shut up - he thought as his body began to feel heavier. His mind was screaming at him, like a nightmare he couldn't wake up from. And on top of all of this, he was horny and just wanted to fuck something, or someone. He was a mess, an emotional unstable mess who had lost all hope for the day.

He had drank way too much and what with him having been smoking all day the effects of the alcohol in his system felt even more messy, as the weed made his head spin and some of the stuff Nicholls had bought him made everything feel heavy. It was strong, and felt amazing, but he was now fucked. Well and truly fucked drunk, high and what ever else he was. He wanted to be sick, he wanted to fuck Josh, he wanted to sleep.

He was a mess tonight, and Josh was not helping his mood.

The boy had been here a week now and Oliver had made him nothing but comfortable, he gave him food, anything he asked for Oliver would get him to eat, even if it was meat Oliver would get it - he would feel sick but still get it. He got him water. He even brought a mattress with some more pillows down for him. He had given the boy a place to stay so he could be happy, he looked after him and made him feel loved and wanted, but the boy wouldn't stop crying! Oliver didn't understand. He was making the boy feel loved, but he just kept begging to go home, and it was really starting to annoy him. He could hear the boy sobbing most of the night as Oliver hardly slept, so he heard everything Josh did at night, the main thing being crying. He cried all night long, even when he was sleeping, he was crying. Why couldn't he just be happy?

So in Oliver's drunk state he stumbled down to the basement where Josh was huddled up in one of the three blankets he had and was cuddling on of the pillows as his body shook with tears.

"Will you shut up!" Oliver yelled making Josh almost jump out of his skin. "I have done nothing but look after you, I've given you food! I've given you a bed with more pillows that I fucking have! I have looked after you better than I have myself! And all you do is cry like a little bitch! I promised to take you away from hell and give you a better life, and I have, and you don't even thank me!" 

Oliver was stumbling over the room trying to find Josh, he wasn't going to hurt the boy, he wouldn't do that, he just wanted the boy to be happy, but he was being so stubborn about it. Why couldn't he just be happy here? Oliver didn't understand.

"I take better care of you than I do myself yet all you do it cry!" Oliver was stubbing all around, spinning in circus as he swung the empty bottle of Jack Daniels around the place, he looked crazy, but he was too gone to care what he looked like right now, not that he really would be anyway, he was in his home doing stupid shit so why should he care?

Josh backed away in fear of being hit by the bottle - or Oliver for that matter - but he then heard it being thrown on the floor, the sound of the glass smashing against the floor making him jump and let out a kind of choking sounds that came from the back of his throat. Oliver then growled at the mess he had made and looked up at Josh with a disapproving look, as if Josh had done it.

"Just look at the mess you've made." He grumbled, even if Josh hadn't made the mess, he blamed the reason for it being made on Josh. "I think you need to make up for that mess some way." Oliver purred as he began to rub himself threw his jeans.

No, he wasn't going to have sex with the boy, he just needed a blow job, and with a pretty mouth like Josh has Oliver knew he would be good.

"Now, darling, you're gonna suck me off and if you do a good job I'll give you a kiss." Oliver smiled as he felt himself getting harder in his hand. 

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