Chapter 4 "Death"

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"I found it near a dead body after a bombing and also, this necklace. I saw the address in the wallet and came here to give it to you," replied the man as he handed the necklace to Becca.

"Allonia, do you know who's necklace this is?" asked Becca softly. Allonia stared at the necklace for about a minute as she thought about it then she turned back to the family photo in her dad's wallet.

"That's the necklace my mom is wearing in this picture, maybe my dad kept that necklace with him," she said as she showed the family photo to Becca. She glanced at the picture and nodded.

"Thank you for informing us sir," said Becca.

"No problem, I'm very sorry about your father", replied the man as he recited a prayer. The man quietly walked away and Becca carefully locked the door. Allonia stood there in shock as she stared back and forth at the family photo and the necklace.

"My dad can't be dead," shouted Allonia suddenly as tears fell onto her rosy cheeks. Becca gently held Allonia's arm and walked her towards a chair. Allonia sat down with her broken heart, it felt like someone just walked up to her and ripped her heart out of her, the plunging pain in her chest just kept on increasing as each second passed and everything Becca said to her to calm her down was just some background noise she was hearing at the platform. She was walking towards the tracks and a very fast train was coming from the other side.

"Allonia, what has got into you, just cry and let everything out, thou shall feel empty first for God to fill you with his love. Thou are a very strong girl and I know it can be hard but it's for the best,"said Becca as she patted Allonia's shoulder. She quickly clinged to Becca's arm while the social worker quietly stroked her back.

"You are a bright little star that I can't let get tarnished, I believe it is best to call your aunt now," said Becca as she wiped Allonia's tears with the back of her soft hand.

"Please don't call my aunt," begged Allonia as a chill of fear ran down her spine.

"Allonia, she's your only relative who lives close to here. Do you have any other relatives that can help you?", asked Becca reassuringly.

"No, most of our relatives have escaped to Turkey and Jordan. My aunt's family and our family are the only ones here and now I don't even have a family," She replied gloomily as she choked on the last part.

"Allonia you are under eighteen years old, that's why you can't live with anyone else except for your aunt," said Becca as she got up to get Allonia a glass of water. Becca handed Allonia the glass of water and sat beside her on the sofa as she wiped Allonia's tears.

"But you don't understand! Honestly if you think I'm a burden on you, you can leave me. I'm very thankful for all that you've done but I don't want to live with guilt for being a burden on one. I think there are more worthy people who could use your help. I am cursed, I bring bad luck to everyone, please go away just leave me alone!" exclaimed Allonia as she hit the glass Becca was handing over to her shattering the glass into several tiny pieces that gleamed under the few rays that escaped through the thin curtains covering the kitchen window.

She rushed upstairs and locked herself in her room. Meanwhile, the selfless woman with blue eyes called her friend Abdullah and asked him about what she should do next. Allonia couldn't believe that her father had left her as well, she tried to control herself but couldn't. She didn't just lose her father she lost her mother, sister, brother, her motivation, the person she woke up everyday to see a glimpse of who was her entire world!

She constantly prayed for her dad's forgiveness and protection for herself but she'd started wondering where this God was that everyone prayed to? Did he exist? If he did, then why did he take away everything she had? Every day Becca tried to feed Allonia but she'd just eat a few bites and then sleep, she just stared out in darkness all day long or laid at her bed with her eyes wide open but her soul deep asleep. Over the course of the next few days, Allonia's behavior completely changed, the hopeful, and joyful Allonia had evaporated because of the inconsolable news. She had started to break apart and it was getting very hard for Becca to control her. She constantly skipped meals and complained to God why He had take both of her parents away from her. It all felt like a horrible dream to her but she was unable to wake up from it. Each day felt like an eternity, every time she looked around she glanced at her parents belongings and started crying again. No one had contacted them for her dad's body and the thoughts of her dad's motionless corpse covered in crimson blood haunted her continuously.

Two nights after she was informed about her dad's death, Allonia noiselessly got up from beside Becca and tip toed down the stairs. Her grubby and oily hair were disarranged and covered her face. Her clothes were also dirty and smelly. She carelessly got down and walked towards the kitchen, as she walked her shadow followed her and the moonlight gleamed through the crack in the window behind the thin red curtains. Allonia pulled the white knob of the wooden drawer in the kitchen and took out a knife. Her hands trembled persistently as she brought the sharp blade of the shining silver knife closer to her left arm.


Do you think Allonia will be successful in committing suicide?

Or will Becca reach Allonia in time?

Why doesn't Allonia want to go to her aunt?

I promise things will get better till then keep reading.

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