Can You Keep A Secret?

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Disneyland was a dream. Meredith had never been before, and walking down Main Street with her three kids was exciting for her just as exciting as it was for Zola, dressed in her Tiana dress that Carolyn had made her.

"Mommy mommy it's the castle!" she shrieked out as Derek pushed the strolled that held Bailey and Ellis. Ellis was in a tiny little Rapunzel dress, and Bailey wore a Mickey shirt. Beside them Henry was in his own stroller playing with his toes in his shoes, and Addison smirked at Zola.

"Hey Zo, what if I told you you could meet the princesses?" she asked her niece, and Zola turned around with wide eyes before looking at Meredith.

"Can I Mommy? Can I meet the princesses?" the six year old asked, and Meredith laughed, adjusting her shirt over her small bump.

"Of course you can silly, but we have our princess breakfast first," she said with a smile, kissing her on the forehead and taking her hand, the two of them leading the way towards the castle. Derek couldn't help but snap a photo of his wife and oldest daughter silhouetted against the castle; it was too cute for words. They eventually got to the restaurant and pictures were taken with Cinderella. Zola was shy until Meredith pushed her forward, and she melted in the princess's arms, then they went to their table. Addison watched how Derek and Meredith juggled three kids with ease as she got Henry settled in his booster next to Bailey, Ellie went between Meredith and Derek, and Zola went on the end next to Meredith.

The breakfast went well, with Cinderella, Belle, Snow White, Aurora, and Ariel appearing, making Zola a very happy little girl. After breakfast, the group decided where they would go next. The dark rides were solace for the younger kids, while Zola wanted to go on roller coasters so the made a deal – roller coasters first, then the dark rides in the heat of the day.

Disneyland went off without a hitch and the couple parted from Addison with hugs and promises to see her in a month for the 12 week ultrasound. Meredith and Derek were going home the next day, and then they were getting ready to go to New York for Christmas. Meredith was nervous with her bump, but she figured 10 weeks was a good time to tell the family she was pregnant again.

Getting back to Seattle was nice, it was cold and rainy and she thrived. Layering on her clothes as she got off the plane, she was hiding her bump under her coat and with Ellie in her coat at her hip. Amelia picked them up, questioning why they went to LA.

"Oh, we went to visit Addison," Meredith smiled, her eyes twinkling. Amelia's eyes sparkled themselves as she reached towards Meredith, tearing Ellie from her arms so that she could get at her bump under her clothes and coat.

"Oh Mer, another!? Mom's going to be so excited. She'll be even more excited because I'm bringing Owen home as my fiancée," she beamed, showing off the ring on her finger. Meredith shrieked in delight, gazing at the ring on her finger.

"Oh my god! Derek, your little sister is getting married," she beamed, as Ellie tried to grab the ring. She giggled and kissed her daughters forehead.

"Ellie you'll make a pretty little flower girl in Auntie Mia's wedding," she grinned, before hugging Amelia tightly. Derek let go of his tight hold on Bailey while Meredith grabbed him, pulling his baby sister tightly.

"Congratulations Amy," he grinned, looking down at her hand. "Owen's so lucky to have you, finally. It's been awhile and you two have waited long enough," he smiled, and Amelia closed her eyes. She had Derek's blessing and Meredith knew that's all she wanted in life – Derek to be happy with her, for her, and proud of her.

Running to catch their bags on the carousel, Meredith turned to Amelia, touching her belly.

"Well, Mom is going to have a lot to be happy about this Christmas, and the sisters," she smiled, sliding her arm around Amelia's waist as Derek piled the bags onto a cart and they headed out to the car.

There were only two weeks until Christmas and they went by quickly, before Derek, Meredith, Amelia, Owen, and the three kids found themselves flying to New York. Owen had met Carolyn before when she visited Seattle, but not as Amy's boyfriend and now fiancée. Amy was nervous because of that; Meredith was nervous because she couldn't walk five steps without vomiting. She popped a Zofran before the flight and fell asleep curled up with Ellis; the rest of the adults helped Derek, knowing Meredith was insanely sick. Landing in New York was a miracle, and getting all their things into two cars was a miracle – thank god they had sent presents ahead.

The drive to West Chester was the same as it had been for years, but this time was Ellie's first time joining her cousins there. They managed to get there in record time since there was no snow, and soon both cars were unloading at the house. It was only the 23rd and only Nancy and her five kids were there to greet them, as well as Carolyn.

"Hiii!" Meredith rang out, taking Zola's coat as she ran off to hang out with her cool older cousins.

"Hey!" Nancy smiled, giving her a hug, before pulling back and looking at her inquisitively. Nancy was an OB/GYN and nothing got by her. Meredith smiled back with a knowing look, miming zipping her lips. Nancy grinned back, her eyes excited as she helped Bailey out of his coat, and taking Ellis from Derek.

"Oh god Der, she looks just like you, what did you do, clone yourself?" she teased him. Derek rolled his eyes and laughed as he went outside to grab some of their bags. Amelia came running in the house with a smile, Owen leisurely coming in behind her.

"Hey, Nance, this is Owen," she smiled. She had tucked her engagement ring away, wanting to surprise everyone at once. Nancy looked up and smiled.

"Hi, I've heard so much about you from my sister, I think she actually likes you," she teased, and Amelia rolled her eyes, grabbing their bags and bringing Owen upstairs to her childhood bedroom. Derek finished bringing their things upstairs before coming down.

"So how far along are you Meredith?" she asked, and Derek socked her in the arm.


"So you have to be a doctor all the time? Meredith's sick."

"Oh god Derek it's my third pregnancy, I'm used to it," she said with a roll of her eyes and a smile, putting her hands on her belly beneath her tunic top.

"I'm 12 weeks, we're announcing it Christmas day. Not a word, Nance!" she shrieked, laughing a bit, making Ellis laugh."

"Hey my lips are sealed, just hide that tum better," she teased her.

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