Turkey Lurkey

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Meredith woke up at 8 on Thanksgiving, feeling the house alive with people. She wanted to stay in bed a little bit longer but there was just so much to do. Rolling over and sighing, she pushed herself up to a sitting position and managed to find something comfortable to wear. Throwing on leggings and one of Derek's dress shirts, she slid her feet into flats and left the room, combing her fingers through her hair. The house was crowded with children and adults and she couldn't help but smile despite the absolute chaos. Younger children were in the living room with Bailey and Zola, older kids were mostly hanging out with the adults who were fussing over brunch.

"Why is everyone yelling and fussing?" She said as she came up next to Kathleen, her nose wrinkled. Noise was not how she wanted to start her morning, although it was to be expected in the Shepherd family. 5 children, 4 spouses, and almost 17 grandchildren. Plus Amy had brought Owen over for brunch and he would be around for dinner as well.

Kathleen turned with a smile on her face, rolling her eyes somewhat. "Amelia and Derek are having a showdown over who's cooking breakfast," she laughed, clearly amused by this. "Oh god," Meredith laughed, her hand coming naturally to rest on top of her stomach, pushing through the crowd of Shepherds to see the very short Amelia and the very tall Derek staring each other down. "Okay guys, stop it, I get it, you guys like to prove who's the dominant one. We both know it's Derek, Amelia, but you can both make what you want, there's like thirty people here," she said, standing inbetween them and looking back and forth. "Seriously guys," she said, when neither one of them budged. "Derek, make the egg dish like you always do," she said as she turned to him, and finally he broke off to get the ingredients. Turning to Amy she sighed. "Amy, make the waffles, Bailey and Zola will demand them and you make them the best, okay?" she said with a brief smile and a pat on Amy's shoulder. Turning back to the crowd, she noticed the amazed looks on everyone's faces. "What?" she questioned, noticing that Carolyn looked proud. Lizzie decided to speak up. "No one can ever break them apart like that," she volunteered, "Except you apparently," she finished with a nod.

Meredith just laughed, shaking her head. "Seriously? You guys are serious? I do this every day. At home, at work, in the car. It's kind of my life," she laughed with a shake of her head. She loved Derek and Amelia but she was pretty glad she'd grown up an only child, despite how much she loved Maggie and Lexie. Pushing past the crowed of sisters and husbands, she left Amelia and Derek in the kitchen to cook breakfast.

Breakfast turned out great, with fruit, waffles, tons of whipped cream, and the special egg dish Derek always made them. People were everywhere, perched on every available seating area, even the floor if it meant they could eat. Paper plates were used, mimosas went around, and the Shepherds were sated for now. Of course, this meant that the real preparations went underway. Meredith steered clear of the kitchen, having done her part the day before with the baking. Instead she sat on the couch, cuddling Kathleen's youngest, who was a little over a year old. "You're the cutest baby ever," she cooed down to the little boy, named Rhys. He smiled up at her and tugged at her hair and she grinned. She couldn't wait until she was holding her own little girl like this. Rhys squirmed in her arms and she put him down, watching him toddle away to the rest of his siblings and cousins before she got up, joining the rest of the adults. By now some of their friends from the hospital had arrived, and Meredith was introducing Maggie to everyone. "Guys this is my little sister," she said proudly, hugging her as close as her baby bump would allow. Maggie hugged her back, smiling, so grateful that Meredith was accepting of her. Maggie integrated herself among the Shepherd sisters and she, too found out that she felt at home with them. Everyone else was filtering in and making introductions, and in the middle of it all Meredith felt at home.

Maggie and Amelia put themselves to work in the kitchen, promising to call Derek when it was time to carve the turkey, and all kids had been pushed into the playroom with Cinderella playing on the tv. The other kids were playing football in the yard, so the adults settled into the living room in east chatter. Everyone was there, even April and Catherine Avery, and Meredith smiled at everyone. These people around her were her family, whether by blood, marriage, or friendship, and she wouldn't have it any other way. She had come to Seattle, a shell of a person, and in her 8+ years here had built a family. Now, in the center of that family, holding several different conversations, she couldn't imagine it every other way. Laughing her head off with her sisters, discussing surgeries with her friends, and looking at the watchful eye of Webber; hell, even looking over at Thatcher and seeing that familiar sparkle in his eye as he looked proudly at his oldest daughter, she knew she was exactly where she belonged right now.

The turkey was carved and dishes carried to the table, the wine poured, and finally everyone was settled down enough and quiet enough for a blessing. Derek did the honors, rambling on about family and friends coming together, and talking about his and Meredith's baby coming soon and feeling blessed all around. Mere signaled to him to wrap it up, giggling a bit, and finally he sat down so they could all eat. Everything was delicious, but she hadn't expected it to be any different with at least ten different people cooking and baking. By the end of dessert she was so sleepy and full, her eyes were closing in her chair. Derek amused himself by poking her in the side. "Mere, wake up," he laughed. She opened one eye and looked at him, groaning. "I'm in a food coma, I can't," she groaned more. "Carry me to bed for a nap?" she begged, and in a second she felt his arms lifting her up, and soon both of them were snuggled in their bed. "I'll let my sisters take care of the dishes. As long as they don't break anything," he teased, pressing kisses all over her face. She laughed and rolled over, curled up into his warm body, her head sinking into his chest. "Think the kids are okay by themselves?" she asked, her voice heavy with sleep. He rubbed circles on her back, knowing that pregnancy was draining enough, but at in a huge holiday and even extra calories from the food and he knew she was exhausted. "Come on Mer, let's sleep a bit, we can do things with the family later or tomorrow," he said with a smile, wrapping his arms around her tightly as they drifted off for a nap.

Waking up after a few hours distorted everything for Meredith. She still felt pure exhaustion to the bone but it was only 8PM. She knew her kids must be asleep for the night but the climbed out of bed anyway; Derek was long gone from his spot. Shuffling into the main room, she noticed it was mainly sisters and hospital friends. Alex, Maggie, Jo, Webber, Catherine, Jackson, and April were still there, along with Derek's sisters and brother's in law. She loved it, her two families bonding, and couldn't help but smile as she stood on the sidelines. She could hear activity from the playroom and slipped down the hallway to peak inside; it was mainly the older kids playing video games, so she slipped back into the main room and took a seat next to Derek, placing her head on his shoulder with a smile. This was definitely a Thanksgiving to remember, and she couldn't wait for next year when there would be yet another person to add to the mix.

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