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The cold Winter's breeze caressed my skin as I walked down the dark, abandoned street. Shivers ran down my spine and goosebumps appeared, completely covering my arms. I pulled my thin cardigan closer, wrapping it around my body as I tried to access as much warmth as possible.

Nine o'clock she said. Be home by nine.

I shouldn't have trusted those people. I shouldn't have gone.

My phone wouldn't even turn on, being completely smashed so I couldn't even call her. She will be so upset. I hope she doesn't panic. For all I know she could be home right now, waiting with the police to receive a letter from my suppose kidnapper.

She always assumes the worse. But right now, all I want is for her to hold me and to say everything will be okay.

"Hey!" Oh no. Please no. "What are you doing around here?" A deep voice, sounding louder and louder with each word said. Heavy footsteps were heard, breaking the silence in the night.

"I got lost," I said without turning around to see the stranger.

"Do you need help getting home?" I picked up my pace, almost into a small jog trying to getaway. "Answer me!" The voice shouted at me, although I did not stop.

Fear was controlling me.

"I'm fine," I called back to the stranger, still walking quickly even though he was catching up very quickly. A rough hand grabbed my forearm tightly, before swinging me around to face the godforsaken stranger.

"Don't walk away from me." He whispered almost deadly like. Under the dimmed street light I could only make out a few features of the stranger. A sharp jawline, sharp enough to slice my finger if I were to run my fingers over it. The messy hair which had fallen over his bright green eyes, staring straight down at me.

I once again shivered, but this time it wasn't from the cold.

"Why are you here? Do you know what time it is?" He asked me, grasping onto my arm even more tightly. The blood circulation to my wrist was slowly being cut off from his tight hold on me, but for some reason, I did not care. His eyes pulled me into a parallel dimension where for some reason, I could not escape.

His eyes narrowed at me, snapping me out of my daydream. Looking down towards my feet, suddenly having an interest in my old converses that were falling apart.

Was I really just staring at this guy instead of trying to getaway? Why aren't I screaming?

"If you're not going to answer me, I might as well take you somewhere I know will get you talking." He leant down close to my face. His mouth moved to my ear as he whispered; "or rather screaming than talking."


"Oh, no thank you. I'm okay." The warmth of his body being so close to mine slowly left as I was greeted with the winter's air again.

"So she speaks. Now answer this, why are you out so late?" He let go of my arm, only to cross his arms and stare directly down into my eyes again.

"I was out with friends." Why aren't I running?

"Where are these friends of yours then?" He did not change his facial expression. He looked in-between frustrated and confused. Making him look constipated which annoys me because he still looks unbelievably attractive.

"They left me." Why am I answering him? Run! He nodded his head at me, understanding my situation. He looked above my head, directly behind me before turning around to check behind himself. Almost as if he was looking for someone in particular.

Silence took over the supposed 'conversation' between myself and the mysterious stranger. I didn't want to say anything to him, mainly because he is a stranger but also my hormones are skyrocketing around everywhere and I'm afraid of what will fall out of my mouth.

"I should go." I went to turn around, back down the path to hopefully where my apartment was when instead the stranger grabbed my arm again, pulling me to his body.

"Where do you think you're going?" He whispered, lowing his head equal to mine. I gulped, he is so irresistible. His deep voice caused me to hold back a moan, his warmth helped keep the cold away even though I still got goosebumps from his actions.

I shook my head, really not trusting my voice this time. I just knew it was going to come out weak and I didn't want to seem pathetic.

"Do you want me to take you home?" He moved his hand from my forearm, up my bicep and kept moving until he was holding the back of my neck. Caressing my skin, smirking at me as he felt the reaction I was giving to his touch. He moved closer to me and finally, thank the holy heavens I finally snapped out of my daydream. Jumping backyards, I lost all contact from him.

"No thanks, I'll be fine." I quickly said before running off. I kept running even though I could feel my legs trying to collapse under me. My lungs were screaming at me to stop.

God, I'm unfit.

Luckily for myself, I couldn't hear any footsteps following me again this time. I turned around when I finally stopped running, trying to catch my breath and steady my heartbeat. No one was there. Not even a sound was heard besides my unsteady and heavy breathing.

My legs were wobbling and I wasn't even moving. My legs were so weak that I couldn't even move. I sat down on the ground, not even caring about all the germs and gross shit that was on the path.

A tear dribbled down my cheek, which I quickly wiped away. Before I knew it, I was full-blown crying. Wailing and almost screaming to myself and just myself.

I was all alone.

Maybe I should of let the stranger take me home, even if it wasn't to my home. At least I wouldn't be on a street that I had no clue what was called and not have a clue where I was. I was so scared.

I just wanted someone to hold me.


I don't know how long I had been sitting there, in the one spot for just curled up and holding myself as I rocked back and forth. The tears eventually dried up and I was just shivering from the cold. My body refused to move, I couldn't stand up. I was helpless. I was hopeless.

Until I heard footsteps. Heavy footsteps coming towards me. I didn't know who it was but at that moment I didn't care. I was cold and scared. I just wanted to get out of here. Even if it ended up bad, I would deal with that tomorrow. That was tomorrow Evelyn's problem.

For now, I just cuddled in the familiar warmth and arms of a stranger who hooked their arm under my legs and waist. Raising me into the air, they began to walk slow-paced, whispering to themselves or to me, I couldn't tell.

Although I did recognize the voice. The deep voice.

"You're a worry." Said the stranger. My stranger.



So I decided to finally start publishing this book again. I am changing it a bit so if you were a reader from before I am sorry but it will be a bit different. I want to write it like I had wanted to from the start before I got sidetracked. 

Thank you and welcome back to the Beast and his Queen! 

Please comment and vote, love K!

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