Chapter 40

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Harry's POV
Voldemort and I were battling in the clock tower. He grabbed my throat and threw me down. I was backing up and he glared at me.

"You were right..."

He hit my across the face.

"...when you told Snape that wand was failing you. It will always fail you." I stated.

"I killed Snape." he said.

"But what if the wand never belonged to Snape? What if its allegiance was always to someone else? Come on, Tom. Let's finish this the way we started it." I said. I grabbed his neck and said, "Together." We both fell down from the tower.
Isabelle's POV
I was fighting with Dolohov, the one who killed Cedric. Memories came back to me and him.

And suddenly, I accidentally fell on the ground. Dolohov have this smirk on his face.

He pointed his wand at me and he was about to say the killing curse.

"Avada Kedavra!" Someone killed Dolohov instead.

I turned around and saw Draco.

I was surprised.

He came to me and hugged me tightly.

"I thought you left." I said.
He pulled back and held my cheeks.

"I can't leave my beautiful wife have all the fun." he said.

I smiled at him. We were about to kiss until we saw Hermione and Ron, running down the stairs.

Draco and I got up.

"What are standing here for?! Run!" Ron shouted.


Then I held hissing.

It's Nagini.

I was scared to death. That snake is huge!

Draco grabbed my hand and we ran together.

Hermione and I were sending spells on that snake, nothing was working.
Then Gracey came in with the fang in herer hand....but Nagini hissed and whacked her, making Gracey hit the wall.


I went up to her annd she coughed.

"I'm okay." she said, weakly.

Nagini was about to charge at us, until Neville had the Gryffindor Sword and killed it.

We all went outside and watched Harry defeat Voldemort.

Harry send the killing curse back to Voldemort.

Voldemort's body went into ashes.

It's over.

We all cheered of happiness. I jumped and wrapped my arms around Draco and he spun my around.

Gracey smiled and went up to Harry.

They both hugged each other.

And we watched him from behind.

And I have a feeling about this incident will happen.

Gracey suddenly slapped him.
Our eyes widen at that.

"Ow! What's that for?!" Harry asked.


"But Gracey---" she cut him off, by hugging Harry again.

"Just don't do it again."

Harry smiled and hugged her back as well.
We all have giggle fits at the couples that are in front of us.
Everyone was in the Great Hall, having a good time, while my Clan and I are with Draco. 

"My parents have been caught, Mr. Chan." said Draco.
I was shocked about that.

"Please, help me." Draco pleaded. He was about bend down on his knees until my Dad stopped him.

"Get up Draco." he said.

Draco stood up. "We'll help you get your parents out of Akaban." said Dad.

Draco was speechless. "Thank you, sir."

"Please, Draco. We're family now. It's the least we can do." said Dad.
Draco smiled and bowed his head.

Then suddenly, we heard....
"Mistress Isabelle, I have brought your daughter."

It was Pearlie.

Draco and I smiled.

Pearlie handed Serena to Draco and he started to smile even more.

"We'll leave you two alone." Dad whispered.

I nodded and they went to join the others.

Draco sat on the broken stairs and I sat next to him.

While he was holding Serena, I leaned on his shoulder.

"Serena, baby. Mommy and Daddy are here with you." Draco cooed.

I giggled at that. I started to play with her lips.

"She's so cute." I said.

"Like you." Draco said.

That made me look at him.

"Really?" I asked, raising my brow at him.

"Of course, Belle." he said.
Gracey's POV
We're the the broke bridge, we were just walking, until Harry jumped onto a rock and just stand there.

"Why didn't work for him? The Elder Wand?" Hermione asked.

"Well, The Elder didn't belong to Snape. It was Draco. That night, at Astronomy Tower, he disarmed Dumbledore." Harry started.

"The wand answered him, then." I said. Harry nodded.

"Until....when we were at Malfoy Manor...I disarmed him. The wand answered to someone else." Harry explained more.

Which means......

"The wand answered to you, Harry." I said.

"It's mine." He said, looking at it.

"What are we going to do with it?" Ron asked.

Hermione turned around and looked at him.


"I mean, it's the Elder Wand. With that in our hands, we could be in invincible." Said Ron.

"I say we better get rid of---" I was cut off by a SNAP.

Harry broke it into two pieces.


Harry stepped down and looked at me.

We all held hands and looked at the view.

"By the way, I heard Belle's baby is in the castle." said Hermione.

"Really?" I asked, surprisingly.

Hermione nodded.

Then suddenly.....

"I'm holding her first!' Harry exclaimed as he rushed back to castle.

"Hey! No fair! You had the first start!" I exclaimed.

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