A Letter To The Living...

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This is a letter to the living
The ones whom never saw me suffer, grieving

I loved you all just the same
All of you, I could not blame.

These are mixed emotions
A fusion of love and convictions.

So don't ask why I took it.
For me, right now, is impossible to seek the answer.

Throughout my life I felt solitude.
That of nothing, I'm sorry, so rude.

I know you love me.
But this pain won't leave, never left.

I tried many ways, none had effect
So for this, I hope, no regrets.

The days of past, happy I was
Or at least....I thought.

I speak to you
The ones who knew.

I did and forever will
cherish you all.

Because you brought sence
To my life, no repents.

I wish I could enjoy my youth.
But it hurts with all the truth.

Never have I been true to myself
As I tried to leave my heart locked in a shelf.

It was fun, this life
I tried as much to love the ride.

Yet none did, none could,
I never felt, understood.

Heaven, I wish existed
But I won't believe for such distance.

In a world of pain, one of sorrow.
Miracles never happen to the needed, here nor tomorrow.

Never wanted to be a toy,
the one manipulated as a boy.

Society hurts what it does not know,
I just wish to be understood, in a future, tomorrow.

Or at least I once did,
Now this, you call me sin.

For what I did, for who I was
No one will never understand the cause.

The pressure is great
Don't envy the youth.

I wanted to fight,
Yet lost too.

Tried and tried but ended up wasted.
I know you will replace me.

No matter what I did or tried
Chains binded my body and mind.

I felt broken, shattered
Like nothing ever mattered.

To this world, this madness
All I ever felt was sadness.

This is a letter to the living,
To say I'm sorry.

But I feel like I can't handle,
as my soul fears and trembles.

A letter to the living and I hope you see.
I thought I was happy, I lied to me...

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