Butter Knife

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But her life
But her strife
Butter knife
Slips away unknown
Wounds left unseen
Bleeding out by invisible scars.
Left on ground to bleed.
Slowly sharpened by words
Painful words of turd
To scratch away at her skin
For even broken are her kin
Stab goes the mother
Stab goes the father
The wound tries to heal but never saturates
For now stabs the brother with all hate.
Tears do not drop for she is pride
But heart suffers everytime.
Sinful and hurt she leaves broken
Alone in the rain, shiverous spine
Eyes follow, disgraceful her life
To walls and no exit, the new man smirks
Rips her apart, all lost, all dirt.
Now boxed and shamed on in the dark.
Even though all she wanted was to love.
To love a woman as beautiful as the sun
That brought her smiles, now left her to rot.
Words were those sharper knives.
To take the life with a butter knife.

My Lil Story Of Life And Depression: Poems Of The Lost And WoundedWhere stories live. Discover now