6th December: 2016

26 2 0

hey Amelia
guess you can't see these anymore.
why am I torturing myself?

I mean I'm sat here
staring at my phone
convincing myself that somehow you'll see and realise what has happened
then reply
or appear next to me.

its madness
I'm just
I don't know
guess I thought there was something more

maybe I was the only one who felt that way
that this whole thing was just one sided.

I hope it's not raining.
or that it's too cold for you tonight.
I want to be there with you.
We've never met.
We've never seen each other but I know that I'll always care for you, no matter how you look.

I'm awake at nights, I think about you.
All I want to do is hear your sweet accent, the lightheartedness of your laugh
hell even when you get frustrated.

the silence is unnerving.
you can't merely be replaced.
sure, I have my friends.
but they aren't you.

why would they want to know about my music and how it makes me feel?
or what I think about the weather
or about my life
how I feel as a whole

no one seems as interested
no one seems to take into account that you are more than a stranger

you mean too much to me Amy
that's the problem

maybe being blocked was a good thing.
that way, I won't risk telling you how much you mean to me.
and I can meet someone in person

put you behind me
love someone else.
goodbye Amelia.
It was wonderful to know you.

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