21st April: 2017

31 2 1

Well Ash
I made it
I'm exhausted

but I'm in Sydney 


I feel like it was only yesterday we were talking about you coming?

very funny
how's Cami?

she'll be fine

she loves our neighbours kids 

does this feel weirdly surreal to you, or is that just me? 

no it is
it really is

Joe and Pailey met us at the airport, it was weird
it feels like no time has gone by since I last saw them except so much has changed
we had a good time yesterday and I am just getting ready for today.

did you enjoy yesterday with the family then?
and are you sure they're okay with today? (considering it's your second day of birthday celebrations)
happy birthday love (again)
I'll let you enjoy the morning and see you later x 

thank you Ash, love you x
one day is just not enough
yeah they're fine, they trust me. 


love you too x 
I best head to the station, considering I'm meant to be waiting for you in less than two hours. 

two hours??
After six months of waiting
best get a move on

I'm nervous

as in palms sweating nervous

and some woman is glaring at me for no reason

I've been here for an hour, got the sunflowers ready

you actually got them?

of course I did
been planning this since the day you told me you loved me

wait which time?
drunk on new years or genuine care time? 

probably genuine caring time, I was still hungover from new year's myself.

why does that not surprise me. 
either way, I'm about five minutes away


this is it then

last time we have to talk like this

in a matter of minutes we will be face to face

not pixels to pixels
how revolutionary 
are you ready?

I'd like to say yes but no

this is what I've been looking forward to for weeks

every skype call I've thought of this
and now it is here
minutes away

how time flies
this is it
I can see the station


well this is it Amelia
nice talking to you like this

the pleasure has been all mine Ashton,
thank you for every minute of it. 


Hesitantly Amelia walks off of the train, wiping her clammy palms across the hips of her teal dress. It was one she knew he would like, the thought of his smile making her blush lightly. Glancing around she was in the search of him, but more specifically the bunch of sunflowers he'd be holding. 

Just as she felt doubtful her eyes locked with a yellow mass, behind them a tall broad gentleman glancing her way with a warm smile. The same smile she had been admiring for months on her screen, how much more handsome he was in person. 

Both of them started to move towards each other, putting their phones away they weaved through those passing by in a hurry. Now stood in front of each other they were like strangers, Ashton held out the flowers to her which she shyly accepted, unable to hide her smile. "Hi." She muttered to him. 

He could barely control how fast his heart was beating, she was even more beautiful than he could have envisioned. Her bright grey eyes full of life and bliss, especially as they locked with his. "Hi." 


The End. 

Thank you for reading this short story, I hope you enjoyed reading. :)

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