Chapter 1 Magnanimous

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This is just the first chapter! I do have chapters 2 and 3 already finished with chapter 4 coming along. I just want to know what you guys think of Chapter 1 before I continue. Thanks!

 "Hmm...," Joey says to himself as he stares blankly into a dark glob of ink on his desk. A memory sweeps past him in an instant, but it vanishes instantly. The memory contained a grinning face with black Pacman eyes as he tap-danced his way to glory. It was the last episode of the Adventures with Bendy and Boris series. It brought a hint of nostalgia to Joey's heart. If only he had the time and the patience to finish his products! Henry always worked his butt off for Joey, but it was all over now. Bendy and Boris were dead material now.

Gently, he took the bottle of ink and put it away beside the desk. It'll never be used or seen again. Well, for ten years, at least.

"Henry! We're bringing (y/n) back home tonight! We need to get going! No point in reliving pointless memories... Even if they are the best we have...," Joey called into the other room with yet more nostalgia flooding into his heart.

Henry, a man with short, blonde hair with a blue ink-stained vest on, looked up. His ink pen fell to the floor as he realized what time it was. He was drawing Bendy. The star in their hearts with a joyous grin and little black tap dancing feet. Such potential, Henry thought. He knew Joey was right, however.

"Sheesh! I'm coming! Just be a bit patient, alright? By the way, do you know where (y/n) is?" he asked.

"I think I last saw her in the projector room. She's watching the last episode and it should be over by now. Could you bring her for me?" Joey asked as he thoughtfully straightened his mustache. It was also stained with ink.

Henry nodded as he stood to his feet. "Okay. I'll go peek in and if it's over, I'll get her. Be back in a few minutes!" Henry chirped with a wave.

Walking down the long hallway, he glanced up at the huge pipes with water rushing through them on the ceiling. Who needed that much water for one building anyway? Well, they'd never run or break again. That was for sure. He reached the end and looked in. Henry saw the screen with the ending to the series being played on it. The credits were playing. He also saw his little 8-year-old niece twirling in a summer dress around the room. She was singing.

There's a place in my heart...

For him and me...

He'll ask me to dance and sing

We'll never be apart!

Just Bendy and Bendy and Bendy

And me!

Laughing slightly at your little song, Henry knocked on the wooden wall to get your attention. You didn't even know he was there listening in. Your face turned a little red from embarrassment. "Uncle Henry! How long have you been there...?"

"Not too long. You have a beautiful singing voice, though. Come on! Grandpa Joey says it's time to leave. I'll help you turn off the projector," Henry told you gently. He knew you didn't know that was the last episode with Bendy and Boris. Their spot on TV was being replaced by a different show.

"Okay, Uncle Henry...," you said slightly disappointed. Being an 8-year-old with an insane crush on a cartoon character wasn't easy. It was easy to watch the cartoon, but it was hard to stop. "My Little Devil Darlin' wanted me to stay here with him!"

Henry giggled a little at your cute nickname as the projector shut off. He ruffled your hair and nodded. "I'm sure Bendy would love you if he were real! You two are both always getting into trouble...," he stated. Then, he leaned in closer. "I haven't told your grandfather about the flour incident in the kitchen. Your secret is safe."

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