Chapter 3 Swag Bow Ties

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Because you got so bored from not hearing a voice in so long, you fell asleep on the dusty floor. Bendy's cheerfulness around you but hatred around others confused you. Why did he like you but hate the rest of your awkward family? You knew Joey killed Boris, but what did Henry do? You thought that Bendy would've thanked Henry for creating him. It never occurred to you that Bendy would hate him as much as he loathed Joey.

Hour after hour continued to fly by. You finally were able to sleep soundly after several weeks of nightmares. For what felt like the first time, you had a somewhat appealing dream. Nothing. Not blackness, not hatred, just not anything at all. Those were the kinds of dreams that you wished would come more often. When you woke up, a random thought came to your head.

It makes me look more like Bendy, Grandpa!

How was a dream about nothing and Bendy related? If Bendy wasn't there whistling his days away, you decided to ponder that thought to pass the time. Thankfully, Bendy was there. He was polishing the ax he stole yesterday. He definitely went on a chopping spree... On what, you didn't want to know.

"Did you settle the score with Henry yesterday?" you asked groggily.

Bendy jumped. When he realized it was just you, he looked somewhat relieved. "Well..., it didn't go the way I thought it would! I was going to make the entire upstairs room collapse on top of him! That was what I needed the ax for!" he said.


"Turns out that Henry has super-human strength!!" Bendy exclaimed loudly. He realized that your ears didn't enjoy the sudden volume change. "Sorry. You'd be screaming too if you saw it."

You shook your head. "Just tell me how you retaliated."

Bendy placed the ax back into its little spot on the wall. He grinned fiendishly. "Well... I'm not one for getting my hands dirty because you do not know how hard it is to find a new bow tie with swag these days. So, I let him go..."

You didn't buy that he'd simply let Henry go. Narrowing your eyes at him again, you asked the obvious question. "You let him go where?"

Bendy shooed away the topic with his hands. "That's not what you should be concerned with! What matters is that he's dead and will probably stay dead. If he becomes undead, then I'll have to learn how to protect us from zombie apocalypses!" he answered plainly.

"You brought it up! I'm just curious! I kinda figured he'd be dead when I woke up anyway!" you shouted.

"I'm, like, so evil and stuff. I don't like being so predictable," Bendy told you as he twirled his pointed tail. He sat against the wall opposite of you. "So, what now? Explain in detail what happened to make me go on a killing spree with an ax? Or what Joey was planning to do to me...? Or how I sent him screaming for mercy? Hm... So many interesting topics to talk about!!"

"I know. You have a rich history of gore and death. Why should I be surprised? I am surprised that Joey was able to escape your wrath. What was it? Attack of the moving cardboard?" you asked semi-seriously.

For a moment, Bendy looked insulted. "I can do more than just that as a 2D image! But I'd rather keep how I do my work to myself! I know that you probably won't be a tattle tail on me, but I don't want you getting any ideas. You know, drowning people in ink isn't something I like telling people about!" He explained on purpose. He winked at you. "Oops. I just told you."

"So that's how...," you said shaking your head at him. "I don't approve of murder, Bendy. You talk about it so lightly around me. And why do you want to kill them but not me?!"

He was silent but still grinning. You realized that you never saw him not grinning. It was almost as if the smile was stuck to his face. He shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe because I liked enjoying your company a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time ago! Each long is about a year, so I said about ten longs."

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