Chapter 4 Core of the Issue

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"Huh. I didn't think an apple could make so much noise! Please don't wake up, (y/n)!" Bendy shouted as he wall jumped down his own trap to retrieve the apple he dropped.

The apple was bruised on the side that fell on the floor and Bendy picked it up looking sad. "Rats! I was planning on eating that! It looked so good too... Henry had an apple on him and now it's ruined!!" Bendy shouted.

You shifted at the sound of his loud voice. Bendy looked petrified for a moment and began to scurry up the trap rather than taking the stairs. The stairs are too risky! He didn't want to apologize or speak to you yet!

Opening your eyes, you looked around hoping to find Bendy. You could've sworn you heard him! Maybe it was just a dream... However, you did find the bruised apple on the floor. Taking a bite out of the good side, your stomach was brought back to life and begged for more. You began taking larger ravenous bites from the pink skin. The juice flooded your mouth and Bendy from above was envying you. You didn't even care that half of it was bruised. You hadn't eaten in days.

"That esurient little brat... I was still going to eat that," Bendy whispered from above.

Wiping your mouth clean with your arm, you realized something. "Bendy must've left this for me... Does that mean he doesn't feel mad anymore and he just can't face me? That's sweet of him...," you said as you gazed into the apple core for a moment.

"Huh?" Bendy asked looking back down at your thoughtful gaze at the apple. "Sweet?"

You ran your fingers over what skin the apple had left after your assault. It tasted amazing. You sighed. "I almost wish that I could be eight again... Then, I'd be able to understand him better. I guess I just have to try harder... Starting with doing something to thank him for this!" you announced to yourself.

"Doing something for me? Only Boris has ever done that...," Bendy said feeling really bad for misjudging you and calling you a brat.

You scratched your head. The only thing you could think of that he really liked was color. Astronomical was how he described it. However, you didn't think you could use that to your advantage because of how stuck you were. After thinking a moment, you thought of a solution.

"Hey, maybe I could sing something... I wonder if he's into music...," you said thoughtfully.

Clinging to the wall as hard as he could, he continued to listen and remembered something from ten years ago that always stuck with him. Your voice. Henry wasn't kidding when he said you had a great singing voice. Bendy secretly wished he had half the talent you did. Remembering your voice from then sent chills to his spine.

There's a place in my heart...

For him and me...

He'll ask me to dance and sing

We'll never be apart...

You sang a test song and Bendy clutched at the wall with all of his might. It was even harder when he realized that you had gotten better in the ten years. You had joined church choir and they transformed your voice from good to perfect pitch. The flashbacks came to his head and his fingers began to lose grip.

"Too... Pretty... Can't... Escape...," Bendy gasped. He tried to finish climbing the wall. Normally, it wouldn't be a problem for him, but his ultimate weakness was dragging him down.

You can't fall! You can't fall! You can't fall! If you fall then you'll-!

His fingers finally slipped and he squeaked in terror. Apparently, fate was going to drag Bendy towards his worst nightmare. Unprepared confrontation with a love interest!

Bendy x Reader Guilt Tripping (BATIM)Where stories live. Discover now