Chapter 2 Broken Fences

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This chapter probably isn't as interesting as the previous one, but it's going to get a lot better. I had to present a minor problem/conflict in this part because what's a story without something to get in the way?! Also, be sure to say hi to Bendy for me! (^w-) 

Many years had gone by since the incident. When Henry finally told you about the previous episode being the last, it crushed you. No more Bendy? No more of his adorable face? There wasn't any Internet back then and you couldn't just look up the episodes or anything whenever you wanted. Multiple things resulted from this.

You and Uncle Henry always had an awkward relationship from that point on.

You tried to keep yourself from being attached to any cartoon or show after that.

You realized how bad you were at drawing cartoon characters.

You had stopped watching TV to stop the pain of losing a favorite show. Instead, you started diving into books. Nobody would be able to swipe the words from the page. Also, because Henry never admitted outright to you that it was the last episode, you never really were able to forgive him for that. Whenever he came over, you'd try to avoid him as much as possible. Although, despite all of these changes that happened, you were somewhat desperate to see Bendy again. When you tried drawing his simple design, you'd never get it right. It would always look too lopsided or like something else. Needless to say, you begged yourself to never draw again.

Ten years of this went by. A long time ago, Joey was an active man. He'd always come to your house to say hello or to check in on your dad. Joey had to make sure his son wasn't getting in trouble apparently. Each time he saw you, he'd say the same thing. Over and over and over again.

"I have a surprise for you. I'll show it to you when it's perfected. Until then, you must wait."

People started getting suspicious after he left one day and didn't come back in four years. When he did come back, he looked like a lunatic and instead of promising you, he grasped onto your shoulders tightly. The insane glare in his eyes frightened you. He growled to you before being dragged away by your parents..., "They went wrong... It went all wrong! I failed... They'll kill me! They'll kill me! THEY'LL KILL US ALL!! You must never go back! Never... Never! NEVER! They hate this family... Listen to me!!! NEVER GO BACK!" he screamed. His cries echoed on in your nightmares. It became a problem.

"Listen, my dad's finally lost his marbles and is not going to come back to do that to you again. I made sure of it... If you need to see someone about your nightmares, just tell me, okay?" your dad would always ask when you brought it up.

You didn't want to see a doctor! You didn't need to see a doctor! These words surged through your adult brain. Staying at your mom and dad's house at 18 was pathetic enough. Without thinking, you decided that the best way to solve the problem was to face it. You'd go back to the animation studio to prove nothing was there.

Telling your mom you'd be back before supper, you skipped out the door and drove the car to the studio. On the outside, it wasn't much different. There were old Adventures of Bendy and Boris signs beside the door on the sides of the building that had been boarded up. Thinking about Bendy made you stop for a moment. You had once thought he could've been real and could've been yours. It was stupid, but you still wanted that faint hope to come back.

Thrusting open the door, you walked in. It was cold and dusty. A projector was left on and gears ground on the walls making a ton of noise. It hurt your ears so bad. Desperately, you felt around for a light switch. The search brought you to a cardboard cutout of Bendy beside the projector. Even though you still loved Bendy, you couldn't help but feel unnerved by its stare. Was it here the last time you were there? It had been a long time...

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