Lobit x Ennard; Part 1

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(Lolbit's POV)

Smoke. Fire. Heat. All I could remember was it was hard to see and even harder to breathe. "Ennard!" I called. But no one came. I was running through the burning building, when a fiery beam fell blocking my way out. "HELP!" I cried. No one. I lied there, ready to give up when I looked up and saw someone walking towards me. "Lolbit!" He said. "Ennard?" "No, sorry. Ennard didn't escape Magic Auditorium..." Bryan said. Bryan was Ennard's assistant. "What!? No..." I said as he brought me to the exit. "Let me go, I have to go back. I have to help him." "No, it's too dangerous. I could barely make it in here to save you." "I'm sorry that you're such a wuss!" I snarled. "I have to get you outta here." He said as we neared the exit. As we exited the building we seen firemen and police men everywhere. I was glad I could breathe again. Happy. Almost. Except one thing. Ennard. The magician of Magic Ennard's Pizzeria. "Ennard..." I said. "Did you see Ennard?" "No." Bryan said. "Hey, the animatronics made it out!" Someone said. "Well what good are they?" Someone else asked. "We could shut them down for now, and take them to the new pizzeria." "Great! We'll do that." They walked over to Bryan and me, I didn't want to leave Ennard. But what choice did I have? I saw the world go black. *System Shutdown*

(Ennard's POV)

What happened? When did the doors lock? All I could do was sit in there trying to avoid being burnt alive. I hoped that Lolbit made it out okay. If she was okay, then I was... It was really hard to see. Smoke filled the air. "Lolbit...where ever you are, I hope you're safe." I said. I hoped she made it out of the pizzeria okay. She probably did...or maybe she's still in here, trying to look for me. God I hope not. I begged and pleaded for someone to come. I want to see her smiling face. To know she's okay. Safe. Happy. Like she usually is. I pounded on the doors trying to escape Magic Auditorium, it was really no use. I heard something on the other side of the door. I stood there, when suddenly something smashed through the door. Firemen. "Hey, what's that?" One said. "It's Ennard, right?" Another said. "The main animatronic of this pizzeria." "Oh yea." I didn't stick around to hear the rest of the conversation, I ran. I continued running until I saw the exit. I almost made it out when I heard something crack. A beam! It blocked the exit. I was trapped the hungry flames licking at my plastic coating. It burned and hurt like hell, but all I could do was scream. I could see my endoskeleton now. I didn't know what to do, but I did know this, if I stayed in there any longer I would be nothing but an endoskeleton. I crawled around looking for another exit when suddenly I was being lifted. It was the same fireman that busted down the Magic Auditorium doors. "Alright, what should we do with him?" He asked into a headset. "Those things aren't cheap, you're gonna bring him outside and we'll put him in the truck with the others." Truck? Others? Others, like maybe Lolbit? I hope so. "Yea, okay. I understand. Sorry Mr. Afton." Afton the designer and creator of my friends and I. Rumor has it, that Afton has a robotics factory, and a Circus Baby's Pizzeria. Scary, but cool. Finally, I was outside. "Oh God! What happened to him?" I heard someone yell. I recognized the voice. It was Afton. It was weird. Meeting my creator, or seeing him anyways. It was like meeting God. Sorta. "Put him in the truck." Afton said. I saw a truck that said Afton's Robotics on it in big black letters. "Power him down first." Afton said. "We don't want him anymore damaged then he already is." "Yes sir." The fireman said. The next thing I knew I was put in a truck, with my vision going spotty. "Goodnight." I said to no one. Well maybe myself. Who knows.

(Bidybab's POV)

I was wandering around the pizzeria when I heard Hand unit speaking. He was talking to some delivery person. I ran back to Circus Control room and entered through the hidden entrance that Baby found just for us. "Baby?" I said. "Yes?" "There's someone here, and he's got some kind of package." "Package? Like what?" "See that's the problem, I don't know." I told her. "Well why don't you just go and find out?" She said. "Of course. Duh. Why didn't I think of that?" "Because I'm the smart one here." She said. "No offense." "Oh. None taken." I replied. I went back out and noticed that he was already gone. I went to Baby. "I uh can't find him." "Well, why don't you go and wait out there for him. In case he does come back." She replied. "Oh, yea." I said as I ran back out.

(Bryan's POV)

It was dark. All I could remember was the fire, and her beautiful face. Lolbit. I missed her. I didn't know where I was. I remember something about a new building. Was that where I was? The new building? Probably. But if I'm here, where is Ennard and Lolbit? Maybe they split us up. Yea. That's it. They're just somewhere else in this building. I snuck out from behind some weird huge wires. "Who are you?" I heard someone ask. "Bryan." I said cautiously. "Oh, well I'm Funtime Freddy, nice to meet you." "Thanks." I said shocked at such a warm welcome. "Where, am I?" "Oh, that's easy. You're in Circus Baby's Pizzeria." "Circus Baby?" I asked. "What is it run by a baby or something?" "Oh no. Circus Baby is no baby. She's like 7,2." "Wait do mean like seven feet two inches!?" I asked. "Yup. I'm only six feet. What does that make you?" He asked. "About six feet two inches." "Oh dang, two inches taller!" Funtime Freddy joked. "Uh, yea." I said. "May I ask what is that thing on your hand?" "Oh that's my puppet! Bon Bon." He said. "Bon Bon say hi." "Oh hi." Bon Bon said as he fell asleep. "Well that's Bon Bon for ya." Funtime Freddy said smiling. "Would you like to meet the others?" Funtime Freddy asked. "Yea. Sure." I said. God I hope that they're not as weird as you...

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