Chapter Two

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Tiffany's P.O.V

As we walk in to the first corridor we get bombarded with other students in our year asking what lessons we have. "We've only just got here give us a chance!" I screech, practically dragging Aaliyah through the crowd.

"Well that was interesting" she mutters so only I can hear "can we go into the toilets I need to sort out my hair. I roll my eyes then smile at her.

When we reach the toilets it's only us two. We stay there for about five minutes in utter silence until Aaliyah announces that we both look 'absolutely perfect!' I grin at her then check the time.

"They should really have clocks in here" I moan Aaliyah opens the door for the both of us and we make our way down to the office

"why? You have a phone with you that's easy access, whereas with a clock you have to get at the right angle to look at it" she replies showing the time on her phone.

I shake my head at her and smile "we have about 25 minutes before we have to go to assembly, which should give us enough time to get our lockers and timetables sorted" I add as we make our way into the office. No ones waiting there other than Aaliyah and I plus someone random in a year above us.

"I'll be just a moment bare with me!" Calls the lady from behind the front desk. I nod my head and smile at her but turn around so my back is facing Aaliyah to shake my head and frown.

"Just take a seat you impatient woman" Aaliyah taunts at me taking my wrist and leading me to the seats.

Just as we sit down the lady at the office calls over to us again. "I'm ready now, if you would like to see me."

I stand back up and sigh, "typical eh? Just as we take a seat!" The lady smiles back and gives a slight chuckle even though I can tell it's not sincere.

"How may I help you two?" She asks leaning forward on her folded arms. A strong whiff of old lady perfume makes an unwanted visit to my nose almost causing my eyes to water.

I turn round to Aaliyah, noticing she's somehow keeping a straight face, maybe she can't smell it. "Can we please have our timetables? My name is Aaliyah Smith and this is -" she gets cuts off by our head of years booming voice.

"Tiffany Jones! Just the person I've been looking for! I have a job for you" he says, leading me behind the desk and into the room with Aaliyah left by the office sorting out both our time tables.

When we finally reach the room there's someone already sat down. Someone I don't recognise. His eyes are down to his feet so I can't quite make out his face. "Tiffany, this is Hayes. He's new to our school and is in your year, I would like you to show him around and make him feel at home here."

I nod my head and smile "okay, I can do that. When shall I start?" I ask but what I'm actually thinking is this has to be the new boy Aaliyah was talking about on our journey here.

"You can start when assembly starts is that okay?" I nod my head and smile again, my cheeks are starting to ache with all this fake smiling.

"Has he got everything like time table-" I get cut off by the head of year again. "Yes, yes he has everything other than a locker. I was hoping you would be kind enough to share your locker with him?"

I yet again nod my head and smile, with that the bell rings for assembly and all three of us walk back down to find Aaliyah with my timetable and locker key. I take the stuff from her and tell her about everything as the head of year walks off and pupils go down to assembly hall. "Thank you for everything, I'll meet you here for break." I say before she goes off with the rest of the crowd. Now it just leaves me and the new boy.

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