Chapter Sixteen

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Tiffany's P.O.V

When I wake up, Aaliyah is still snuggled up and in her dream world. She looks adorable when she sleeps. My belly grumbles and I peer down to it "guess some eating is due" I whisper to myself and carefully get up to go down stairs. I sneak down the stairs and make my way to the kitchen. I notice a note stuck to the table out of the corner of my eye and go over to read it.

Hi sweetie, we're all out doing shopping (food and furniture you're not missing out on anything) and there's some money in the bumble bee jar. We will be back at 9 pm because grandma wants to show us her new cats. Love you lots, not too many friends over and see you soon. xx

I smile at the note. My mother is just the sweetest sometimes. I don't know why my nan has a new cat though, she already has 7! Well now make it 8. I do have to cut her some slack though, they love her and she loves them. I put the note back down and walk over to the cereal cupboard. I can't decide which one to pick so I grab a pop tart instead and head back up stairs. On my way up, I glance at the clock above the top of the stairs - almost half ten!

When I arrive back to my room, Ali is still asleep and I've devoured my pop tart so I decide to wake Ali up. I gently shake her and whisper in her ear "A-LI-YAH, A-LI-YAH" over and over until she finally snaps out of dream land. "Morning" she half moans and have greets to me and stretches her arms. "Movie day?" I ask and wiggle my eyebrows "my parents and Frank aren't

back until 9, and the weather is well..."

I grab a hairbrush and use it as a microphone "too cooooold for you here!"

I pass the hairbrush to Ali and she stands up and she takes it out of my hand "blah blah, let me hooooold both your hands in" she puts the microphone in between us "THE HOLES OF MY SWEATER!" I smile at her and she smiles back, "so movie day yeah?" I say casually and throw the hair brush onto my bed. "Yeah." She nods casually and we both laugh.


Tiffany's P.O.V

"I've text Hayes, Flynn and Brent. They're coming over at 11:45 so in like five minutes" I say as I tie up a hairband onto the end of my fishtail plait. I glance over at Ali who's also tying a hair band to her hair. "Copy cat!" I yell at her and she whizzes around. "Mines a normal plait, not a fishtail so suck it," she flips me off and sticks out her tongue "I'm ready, are you?"

I nod at her then turn my TV on. Ali and I decided to have the movie day in my room, because I have a king sized bed and a huge telly, it would be comfier to have the movie day in my room. We have bowls of skittles and chocolates and bottles of lemonade as 'refreshments' or whatever.

"I think they're here," Aaliyah says whilst peering down the stairs to the door, then there's a knock coming from it "I'll get it!" She yells and sprints towards the door. I run back upstairs and sit in the corner of my bed, positioning the pillows I borrowed from Frankie's room and wait for everyone to come up. I hear talking and shoes being taken off then foot steps coming up the stairs.

They all pile in, Brent first as usual, then Hayes, then Flynn and finally Ali. "Hey Ali could you shut the door and turn off the light?" I turn on the DVD which I picked out and the lights go off. "Hey" Hayes says as he climbs across the bed and next to me. "Hey" I reply and move a little so Hayes can lay next to me. The movie and starts everyone gets into their position "another scary movie?" Hayes whispers into my ear and I nod. I purposely picked it so I had an excuse to cuddle up next to him.

As the gore and horror kept popping up I gradually get closer into Hayes' arms. I smile up at him and he smiles back at me so I place my head in the crook of his neck. He snuggles up closer to me and I feel my eyes getting heavy. Before I know it, I'm slowly dozing off into Hayes' arms.

Hayes' P.O.V

When the film finished I carefully stretched my arms out and yawned. "So what film next everybody?" I whisper, but the only person awake other than me is Brent. I wait for a reply and look over to him "well?" I ask looking past Ali and Flynn to him. He turns to face me, with a serious expression on his face. "Let's just not pretend anymore okay?" I furrow my eyebrows at him in confusion and wait for him to continue "we both don't like each other. I just want you to know pretty boy, that I will be Tiffany's and she'll be mine." My eyes widen at the words that just came out of his mouth.

"Is someone jealous then?" I ask, smirking. "It's not like I've got any competition," he spits back "I mean, I met Tiff because of a fuck up that happened between you two. And that was only what, a day or two after you met her?" I remain silent, half because I'm intrigued at what else he has to say and the other half being that I'm speechless. "It's not going to work out between you and her, pretty boy I know for a fact. So, you might as well stop liking her and give her to me to save the heartbreak. And I'm not on about you, I'm on about her." I just stare at him, taken back by what he said.

"Anything else?" I taunt, rolling my eyes. If he thinks that I'm going to give up on Tiff and I being together that easily he has another thing coming. Just as he opens his mouth, I start to talk again "so would you like to explain why we're cuddling right now?" I move back so Brent could see and reply with a snarky comeback, but nothing is coming out of his mouth so I know I've got to him. "Anyway, anything else you'd like to add Brent?" I move forward again so our eyes are meeting and Tiffany starts to stir.

"Yeah, there is something I'd like to say. Hurt her, and I hurt you." I roll my eyes and shake my head. "Also, tell anyone about this little 'chat' and I'll make it my main priority to ruin you pretty boy." He smiles sarcastically and I kindly return it. We both sit back at the same time and I accidentally wake up Tiff. She opens her eyes like a new born baby and smiles at me.

"What movie now?" She asks and I bring her closer to me.

So guys what do you think? Thanks for 150+ reads/views by the way (not sure if I've already said thank you or not but anyway) and the 20+ votes! I'd really love if I could get the numbers higher though ;) love you guys and don't hesitate on sharing this story, it would help me out a lot. :* xxxx

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