Chapter Eighteen

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Brent's P.O.V

I don't know what Hayes' problem is with me. Well, I do have an idea in mind. He's obviously jealous of the friendship Tiffany and I have. Who wouldn't be?!? Flynn even said last night he ships Tiff and I together, whatever ship means.

I'm so close to making her mine, but Hayes is ruining everything like the twat he his. The thing that annoys me is half the time I'm pretty sure he doesn't even know he's ruining everything. For example, a few minutes ago he made a scene about me taking his seat or something - couldn't he just have left it?

Tiffany's P.O.V

As soon as I leave the room and shut the door the brightness overwhelms me. I blink several times so my eyes adjust to the light and then make my way down stairs. I'm not sure what I'm actually going to do but I just want to take a little breather. As I reach the bottom of the stairs my phone buzzes, I look down at it and it's a text from Ali. I unlock it and read the text.

'Tiff where the hell are you?!? I've just woken up and I'm surrounded by boys😳... xxx' I know I shouldn't laugh but I find it a little funny. I text back straight away.

'Well good morning misses sleeps a lot and leaves her best friend in many awkward situations, how was your slumber?? I'm at the bottom of the stairs BUT DO NOT TELL THE GUYS THAT! Come down xxx'

I hear the bed creak and the door quietly open and close. Then a half asleep Aaliyah appear at the top of the stairs. "Well hello there!" She whispers and walks down the stairs.

"Yo," I reply quickly and gesture her over "I have a plan, want in?" I wiggle my eyebrows and grin.

"Sure, what is it first? Be brief, don't go on and on and o-" I roll my eyes and lead her into the living room.

"Basically, the electric box is kept here," I point up next to the clock so she can see it "it controls the whole of electricity in this house. My plan is that we turn off the electricity, fill up some of the water guns from the summer, go up the the room where the guys are and squirt them." Aaliyah looks at me with wide eyes and a massive smirk on her face. "You in?" I ask and she nods furiously.

"I'll get the guns and you turn of the electric, the guns are under your table right?" I nod and she shakes her head "what a weird place to keep them..." She mutters whilst going under the table. I turn my phone's torch app on and grab a chair from the table whilst 'accidentally' kicking Ali's leg as I'm doing so. I pull the chair over and by the time I'm up and about to flick the switch off the water guns are ready. I look down at Ali for approval and she nods. Then the house turns pitch black.

"Okay, we have to be quiet okay?? I'll lead the way as I have to torch" she salutes me and follows behind me. We slowly walk up the stairs and as we approach my room we can hear many confused voices. I turn round to look at Aaliyah and she's biting her tongue trying not to laugh. I sternly look at her and put my finger up to mouth. I turn back around and continue to quietly venture up to my room.

I pause as we reach the door. "On three" I whisper "one... Two... Three!" We ram into the door and start spraying the guys. "What the fuck!" I hear one of the shout and Aaliyah breaks in to laughter.

After about 40 seconds I feel a hand against my shoulder "grab Ali" they whisper into my ear. I reach over a grab he hand and we all leave, shutting the door behind. "By the way it's Hayes" Hayes mutters as we walk down. I turn my torch on and pull a face at Aaliyah and she shrugs back at me. "Turn on the electric, hide the whatever you were getting us with and then sit on the sofa watching the TV... Act like nothing happened." He orders and Aaliyah and I do so.

When I turn on the electric I can hear Brent and Flynn running down the stairs. I practically sprint over to the sofa joining Hayes and Ali. The TV flicks on, just in time too as Brent and Flynn are storming down the hallway.

"Why? Why would you do that?" Flynn yells as he grabs he shoes.

"Where are you going?" I ask as I turn around on the sofa.

"Where do you think sunshine?" Brent replies sarcastically, kneeling down to do his shoe lace.

"It was a joke!" Hayes replies also turning around.

"Wasn't a very funny joke was it pretty boy? Now go cuddle with Tiff or something, yeah?" Brent snaps back and Aaliyah turns around this time.

"Well if we knew that you can't take jokes, we wouldn't have done it." Ali replies rolling her eyes.

"We can take jokes. You just took it too far this time. I thought you were different Ali..." Flynn replies walking over to the door.

"Whatever, we're sorry you can't take a joke. I was water, not acid or something. You both need to lighten up and laugh a little... Pair of grumpy pants!" I smirk back, knowing that what I said will piss them off.

"Whatever" Flynn says leading both of them out the house. I look over at Ali and she's got her head in her hands. I rub her circles on her back to show her that everything's fine.

"Get off me!" She snaps cocking up her head. I fling my arms up in defence and scoot away a little bit. "This is all your fault!" She yells standing up. I open my mouth to try and speak but no words fall out, I'm left speechless. "If it wasn't for your little game or whatever I wouldn't be in this position!" She's now towering over me and I finally snap back.

This chapter sucks I know I'm sorry I apologise loads. Thanks for over 220 reads!

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