Chapter Seven

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Tiffany's P.O.V

I open the text and smile, I don't even know why it was just an automatic reaction. 'Hey tiff ;)' he sends back. My smile fades. Winky face?!? That was a winky face. Does that mean he likes me?? Or was it an accident?? Wait did I send a winky face first and he's sending one back?? I start to freak out over a winky face until I realise I'm freaking out over a winky face. "Get it together Tiff, it's a winky face" I say to myself

'Did you hear about school being cancelled tomorrow?' I was about to hit send but I slightly change it, so it has a smiley face at the end which makes the text seem friendly yet not flirtatious or something like that I don't know I read it somewhere. I hit send and get myself comfy on my bed, considering it could be a long conversation.

'Yeah my brother told me, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow?' A huge smile forms upon my face.

'Yeah that sounds fun, where and when?' I reply.

'How's 1 at the end of my road?'

'I'll be there, but what will we do for the rest of the day?'


'Alrighty then can't wait'

'See you then'

Hayes P.O.V

As soon as I walk in I'm greeted by Nash. "Who was that girl you were with?" He asks, lowering his voice so only I can here.

"Does it matter?" I reply taking off my shoes then walk over to the couch. He follows me and takes a seat next to me. "Don't play games poo bear, just tell me" he nudges me playfully. I roll my eyes and sigh.

"Okay, on one condition" I pause.

"Which is..." He trails off moving his hand in a circular motion, prompting me to go on.

"You never call me poo bear again"

"Deal, now tell me."

"She was my tour guide for today and she showed me around school today." He smiles at me and wiggles his eyebrows. "So why did you come back so late then?" Oh god. What am I going to say. "Don't bother lying to me, I can tell when you're lying" I sigh.

"Well we skipped the last few minutes of school and went down to the forest to just get to know each other better, then I gave her my number and she said she'll text me hers."

"So has she text you yet?"

"Not yet but she probably only just got back, she lives like five minutes away." There's a moment of silence before Nash breaks it.

"Well, I'd say if she doesn't text you within the next fifteen minutes, she's not interested in you."

"Nash don't say that you'll get me worried I-"

"YOU LIKE HER!" He yells, jumps of the bed on to his feet and points his finger at me "YOU LIKE HER!" He repeats. I can feel myself going red "aw little Hayes has a little crush" he pinches my cheeks and talks to me as if I'm a baby.

"Shut u-" I wrestle my way out of him and kick him in the shin.

"Don't deny it Hayes, you like her" he prods my chest.

"Okay I do, but don't prod me with your fat finger"

"What like this?" He prods me again multiple times.

"That's it" I take my phone out of my pocket and place it on my drawers. I charge towards him and we're soon wrestling each other on the ground.

My phone buzzes and we immediately stop "that could be her" I say to Nash, he lets me out of a head lock and I run over to my phone. "It is her!" I screech whilst Nash lies down on my bed.

"Well, what'd she say?!" He screeches back at me.

"Hey it's Tiff, this is my number smiley face. What do I text back?!?"

"Okay how about something simple like 'Hey Tiff' smiley face?"

"Okay" I hit send. "OH GOD" my mouth goes wide.

"What..." Nash replies sitting up straight.


"Oh dude..." He shakes his head and looks up towards me. "Just act like it didn't happen, act like it was a smiley face."

"Oh by the way we have a day off tomorrow, school saw no point in sending us to school a day before the weekend" Nash says, once again breaking the silence.

"I just got another text" I look over to him "what do I say?"

"Give me your phone, I'll handle this..." I hand him my phone and a conversation lasts between the two of them for a couple minutes but he eventually gives me back my phone. "You two are having a little meet up at the end of our road at 1 and you have a surprise for her. We'll go shopping early and you two can have a cute little picnic at the forest as the surprise."

"Thanks Nash, I don't know what I'd do with out you" I smile at him reading the conversation through. He smiles back at me "I know" he replies whilst walking out my door to his room.

I smile at my phone and collapse onto my bed, fantasising about what tomorrow will bring.

Sorry this chapter was quite long, thanks for the 10+ reads guys, love you all <3 comment what you think

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