Chapter Five

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Hayes P.O.V

"Okay I'll start we can do a question each, one after the other" I pause, I have to think of a good question first. After a couple of seconds I finally think one up "what's your favourite colour?" I look at her and a smile crosses her mouth.

"That's a little personal don't you think?" I smile and a chuckle escapes from his lips "purple, my favourite colour is purple, and yours is...?"

"Blue, what's your full name?" I honestly didn't even know the girls first name so this question will help me with that.

"Tiffany Jones, yours is?" She laughs, I guess we're on the same page then.

"Hayes Grier, have you got any siblings?" I stretch my legs out and put my arms behind my back, propping my up and supporting my weight.

"Yep, one older brother called Frankie who is the most annoying being you'll ever meet, what's your lucky number?"

"Don't really have one, ask me another"

"Don't you have an older brother in this school?"

"Yeh, Nash is the one in school but I have another one too called Will. When's your birthday?"

"I love that name Nash! It's so uncommon I love it, anyway October 26th, yours?"

I smile at her, not a beamy smile one of those half smiles, the ones that apparently get girls swooning. "That's not that far away, we'll have to do something for your birthday. Mines is June 8th which is ages away" I emphasis the s on ages and look up at the sky, then look back into Tiffany's eyes "can I call you Tiff for short?"

"Suppose so, everyone calls me it though, we should have special nick names for each other." She sticks out her legs and lies in the same position as me.

"Sure, I don't know how you can shorten Hayes but we'll give it ago." I wink at her and she blushes, I check my phone for the time. "We should probably get going if we want to be home on time"

"Okay" she sighs "I like spending time with you, we should do it more often" I hand out my hand for her to reach and I pull her up onto her feet.

"I like spending time with you as well you're nice" I find her blushing again and I give her my half smile in return. "Do you want my number? Not in that way, as friends"

"Sure" she hands me her phone and I put my number in and my name which I place a heart next to. "I'll text you when I get home so you have mine." And with that, we're off.

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