Chapter 13: Never Let Me Go

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I needed to tell Kate the full story about Phoenix and I had to do it as soon as possible. After my last interview and the reveal of my commercial with Demi, Phoenix sent me a text for the first time in a long time. She must have seen the commercial or my interview because she knew I was in a relationship again. I knew it would bother her to see me happy again. Dates were one thing, but somehow, she knew this was going to be a long-term thing. It kills her. I know her well enough by now to know that. Although, I hated how much I did know her.

I didn't tell anyone at first. I ignored the message altogether, but ignoring it haunted me. Every time I unlocked my phone I saw that red number above my message indicating that I had a message. In the end, I read it. I memorized it. I called Beth and she came over the second she heard. We sat on my bed talking about it.

"I don't know what to do!" I told her, "I know she hates that I'm in a relationship again, but does she have to tell me about it? Does she have to remind me how much she still loves me?"

"Carly, she is trying to get under your skin. She wants to ruin your relationship with Kate, you know that right? It's what Phoenix does. Your relationship with her did not work out twice now you don't want to go through that again."

"Of course not, but how do I tell Kate about this? I can't not tell her about this because she will sense that I'm hiding something from her."

"Do you see this thing with you and Kate lasting?" Beth asked.

I nodded, "Yes, I do. I just want this thing with Phoenix to end. I want her to stop texting me and let me continue my life with Kate. I love Kate the last thing I want to do is ruin that because Phoenix is trying to get into my life again."

Beth smiled, "Have you told Kate that?"

"What?" I asked.

"That you love her."

I shook my head, "There's already so much going on right now I'm not sure it's the right time."

"Carly, there is never going to be a right time. You will always be able to think of a reason not to. Yes, tell Kate the truth, but also tell her how you feel about her. Tell her that you love her. Tell her that you want your relationship to last and that your previous relationship is done for good. Your word will mean more to her than Phoenix's message."

"Do you think so?"

"Yes!" Beth laughed, "Are you kidding me?! Kate doesn't even know Phoenix, but she does know you. So, do something special for her, tell her how you feel, and tell her about the message."

"Fine," I smiled, "I will take your advice, but I can't right now because I'm meeting Demi."

"Wait a second," Beth put her hand in front of my face to stop me from talking. "You're meeting Demi?! When?! Why?! What are you going to do?!"

I laughed, "We agreed to meet up today to hang out. We're meeting at the studio. We thought we would collaborate on a couple songs we're both trying to finish."

"Are you going to release it? Will it be on the next album? Are you going to show me?"


"Sorry!" She laughed, "But come on! You're hanging out with Demi again and I love that you're actually friends now."

"I like it too. She's been awesome. We've been texting since we first met. The media seems to love it, especially now that our commercials and photo shoots were released."

"What did Ellie say?" Beth asked.

"Ellie loves it too," I replied. "She said everything we've done to change my image has worked. From what I saw on twitter, the fans are reacting positively and the media is excited to hear new music now that my first album is released."

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