Chapter 11: Love Me or Leave Me

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Ellie scheduled my next interview to reveal my new plans for the album. Word spread quickly and social media could not stop talking about the fact that I fired one of my managers. When I sat down to my interview I didn't have to say anything about it because they already knew. I simply got a, "What happened with your manager?"

"I did not want to do my last interview. Craig wanted me to reveal my personal life and my deepest secrets. I agreed to reveal some of it, but he went too far. My family was devastated when my brother Benny died and we didn't feel comfortable telling anyone. I was shocked to hear them bring him up. I fired him right away after that."

"What are your plans for your album then? Is that still happening?"

I nodded, "It is definitely happening. I only fired Craig. Ellie is still my manager and I'm still with the same label. We actually just finished the album. I'm so excited."

"What will change now that you've fired him? Will anything change?"

"I hate to explain it this way, but here goes, I was acting. I was told to act a certain way. Some of my answers and some of my personality traits in front of the camera weren't real. Ellie encourages me to be real so I look forward to showing people the real me. My image will change and the way I act in front of camera will change and start reflecting who I actually am."

"Does this mean the Demi Lovato rivalry was faked too?"

I chuckled, "I'm a big fan of Demi Lovato. She creates incredible music that's so inspiring to her fans. I am sorry for the way the rivalry has been portrayed. I do think our music sounds similar, but I think we both have unique messages we like to get across in our music."

"That sounds like an apology. Am I correct in the way I'm hearing that?"

I laughed, "You're really pushing the topics here. Yes, I guess it is an apology. Hopefully we'll have a chance to talk to each other in private and sort out everything that's been said. I hate competition and it was wrong to encourage it the way I did. There's room for both of us in this industry. We should be encouraging each other."

"I can tell you're getting uncomfortable with this conversation so let's get back to your album. Will your album be filled with that girl power feminism message you're talking about?"

I replied, "This album is about what's happened to me in the last few years. It's been crazy and complicated and emotional and I've poured everything into this album."

"Rumor has it, you have a new single coming out. What is it?"

I grinned, "I am really excited to announce that my new single is called Love Me or Leave Me."

"Where did the idea for the song come from?"

"Well, as I've mentioned in other interviews, I went through a terrible and complicated break up. This song is about that feeling where you're exhausted from fighting and you're debating with yourself, and with that other person, about whether to stay in a relationship or leave it."

"When is it being released?"

"Right now!" I laughed, "It'll be available on itunes as soon as I finished performing it today!"

"Congratulations! We'll be right back!"

I was rushed back stage where I changed into my performing outfit and went on stage with my band. The host introduced us when the commercial ended and the song began. The song made me flashback to the fight with Phoenix that inspired the song. I was terrified. I didn't want to lose her, but I hated that she always caused fights, and I could see that her feelings weren't as strong for me as they used to be. I couldn't stop thinking about whether to stay or leave, but she left first.

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