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1 week later...
Liza POV:
Good news, we got the video of them jumping Amy erased. Bad news, Safiya and Alex broke up. Good news Safiya is passed the sad stage, mad stage, and now, she's on the independent woman and moving on phase. Bad news, Alex will NEVER get past the sad phase. I feel bad for him, I mean, he did try to ruin Safiya's dreams. But, he wanted to keep her here. As we pack to move to L.a. Safiya and I talk while David took pictures of us.
L: Safiya, you know that Alex didn't want to loose you, right.
S: Liza, he can't have everything he wants. I told him that we would be together forever if he let me go. Liza, sometimes you have to give up the people you love to keep them.
What Safiya said was so beautiful and truthful. I completely understand why she got over him so quickly.
S: But I do love him. I just.... I need to keep my mind on the other things in life.
We were packed and then I wrapped arms around David's neck.
L: You know where we're stopping first right?
D: Where
S: My childhood house.
L and D: WHAT?!!!
S: I used to live in Cali, where it's hecka lit.
L: You Cali girls and saying "hecka"
S: You should also know that I'm a Cali Valley Girl.
L: I hate you.
S: Boo, we don't actually talk like that, but we do used "like" a lot. (Day and I should now.)
L: So, how is it there?
S: It's very seasonal and there's two types of people there. The savages and the pilots. Pretty much black people and Mexican people are the savages and the pilots are white and Asian people.
We heard a honk and Zane yelling.
Zane: Let's go!
We picked up the boxes and ran to the RV.
L: Did anyone else know that Safiya is a valley girl. Everyone stopped and stared at her.
S: You guys didn't know that I only went to that school for 2 years. And we're stopping first at my childhood house. Oh, and I got us tickets to watch my FAVORITE Sacramento band EVER.
---------------Time Lapse-------------
David's asleep as I laid on his stomach and I listened to mijams and it's like 3:00 in the morning and we finally found a gas station to get snacks and junk food and.
Everyone is asleep expect Safiya and I are asleep. I can see how hurt and sad Safiya is through her eyes and the way she holds her phone as if she's about to break it. I looked at what Safiya was looking at and it was her instagram. I saw Alex with some ratchet, ugly, musty, crusty, dusty, dumb girl on his back.
L: He doesn't look happy in it anyways.
S: If he wanted me SO BAD, then this wouldn't be posting thing a like this.
L: True.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck.
He woke up and smiled.
D: Why'd we stop.
L: Midnight snack
D: Junk food
S: Haha, yes.
Everyone headed out the door and David carried me as I kissed his forehead. We were all in sweatpants and sweatshirts, perfect for pictures. We took pictures and then bought up half the store. As we paid, this guy that was about to dump out some donuts looked at us.
Guy: Hey, I'm about to throw these out do you want them?
We ran and took all of them. We didn't pay for NOTHING and just ran out. We got in the RV, and left cracking up. We went back on the ride and then we heard a honk and something hit the car.
Cliffhangers. And yes, it is true that I live in the valley, and everything about Sacramento is true. But, I haven't given a shout out to anyone in a while, so Lizzzalover and Iggycarmie, and XfirewallX are the chosen ones. For today. But I love you all and... STAY BEAUTIFUL!
xoxo, Safiya

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