Ch.30 I'M BLACK BABY(Haha, puns)

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David POV:
So I drank it. Just a sip leading to another. I wanted to stop but I couldn't. Every thought of Liza controlled it. And every sip was for her. Call me crazy, but every sip would give me a vision ( like sykowitz in victorious) of Liza in that spring dress she adores every time we would pass it in the mall. She's running in a field of red flowers. She had the the biggest smile on her face. The field was everlasting for me, yet, Liza could easily get out. But she wouldn't. It's symbolizing something. It looks symbolizes something so real.
A week later....
I woke up to go back to my wine bottle. I realized that there nothing in there. I had to get another wine bottle. I need it. I need to see here. And I had to steal it.
Liza POV:
We arrived at home from the movies and I was SUPER tired. So, I went to my bed, in my outfit, and was knocked out. I was dreaming that I was so happy with a smile so big. I was in a field of red flowers and David was there I was running around so joyfully. It was a daydream, and at the same time, a nightmare. Three fact that I know I can wake up and leave terrified me. David couldn't get out. Which was the best part of the dream.
YAYYYYYYYY! There's SO MUCH to be revealed in the next chapter I'll give you that. I'll also give you a new book if I can hit 50 followers. Btw, THANKS SO MUCH FOR 4K READS AND 200 VOTES!!! I love you guys so much. For the reads, inspiration, and overall support. So...
xoxo, Safiya

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