"Lena, dont you get it!" I walked after her, trying to catch up.
"You think I dont?" She turned to face me, picking up a piece of laundry and folding it.
"I just think she should continue to watch what happens and then decide. I've wanted this since they were little," I helped Lena with the laundry as we continued to talk.
"Well, you said it yourself. You don't want Callie back into the Foster system. So why are we even having this discussion".
I was speech less. Of course I didn't want Callie back into the system, because I know what its like and I know Callie, but of course Callie would have no where to go.
"Well, maybe just maybe.. It's possible". I didn't know what I was saying.
"No, Stef. It's not. I doesn't matter how madly in love Brandon and Callie are or even if they aren't! If we plan of keeping Callie which we have for a long time then they can't be anything besides siblings! How do you know that whats's in there eyes in the look of love anyways?" Lena raised her voice the smallest bit but not enough to wake anyone up.
"Because it's the look I see in your eyes when you look at me," I throw the piece of laundry I was working on to the ground and leave our bedroom, closing the door behind me.
I notice the light on in Callie's room and knock, letting myself in before she answered. I found her staring out the window. "Callie?" She turned to face me and I sat on the bed.
"Yeah, what is it?" Her eyes had a look in them, like she was hurt.
"Are you okay?" I asked staring into her eyes, I could tell when she was lying so she knew she couldn't.
"I'm scared and I miss Jude" Her eyes left mine and returned to the window.
"Well, you don't have school tomorrow. Maybe you can go with Brandon to see him" I smiled at Callie, noticing how much she looked like her mom. "Your beautiful,"
"Thanks," Callie smiled and got up to grab something from her bag. "I want you to have this" She said handing me a picture.
I looked down at the picture with tears welling in my eyes. It was a picture of all of us before, Brandon and Callie, even baby Jude, laughing at something her mother and I must have been talking about. It was a beautiful picture. "Thank you so much". I stand up embracing Callie in a hug. "You remind me of her, strong, caring, and beautiful".
Callie returns sitting on her bed and I sit in a chair pushed against the wall. I mess with my hand until I find the right way to word what I was going to ask next.
"Callie, I know this sound bizarre and you can get mad at me about it and I'll understand." I paused for the smallest moment to make sure I had Callie's attention then continued. "Your mother and I always talked about some day, if their was anything between you two that Brandon and you should get married. Well now that you guys are older, I was seaching in your guys hearts, eyes, and body language for anything that might show feelings towards each other. I was sure I was finding things until I remember that now we are taking you in and it might not be able to happen. I was trying to find your mother's will to find anything saying who has guardianship over you or custudy, but no one can find your mother's will".
"Search all you want, your not going to be able to find it," Callie hung her head low while I talked.
"Why is that?" I asked, looking for more information.
AN: Just a quick part to make up for time I haven't updated!
Good news is, I have a snow day today and have been writing all day!
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Searching For Something More (Brallie FanFic)
FanfictionCallie and Brandon have been best friends for as long as anyone can remember. Their moms were best friends, leaving them to grow up side by side. When Callie and Jude are thrown into the Foster system, Brandon realizes his fear and worry for Callie...