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The first thing he saw when he entered the ER area is Naeyeon's room, wide open.

He stepped closer to her but before he could get closer the hospital alarm went off.

"Shit" Jimin silently cursed, slightly regretting breaking the glass doors

"Yah, Sir!" One of the guards was heading directly to him.

Jimin raised a brow "yeah?"

"What are you doing here sir? This area is only for nurses and doctors" the man explained

"I wanted to make sure my girlfriend is fine" Jimin said nonchalantly

"You need to pay for the damage at least, sir" the man said

"Fine. I'll send a check to the hospital soon" Jimin walked to Naeyeon's bed and sat down near it.

The two guards looked at each other "Are you THE Park Jimin?" One of The man asked

"Yes." Jimin said

One of them walked closer to Jimin, a bunny teeth guy, in fact.

"Sir...I'm a big fan of your company. Please sign my phone" the guard pulled out his phone and held it in front of Jimin.

"Are you one too?" Jimin whispered to him

The guard nodded "Your company really helped me out" he smiled

Jimin nodded and signed his phone with a permanent marker. "Thank you, Sir" the guard bowed 90 degrees and was about to walk away until Jimin stopped him.

"Wait, how do you not get hungry?" Jimin asked

"It's practice sir. I'm Jeon Jungkook by the way" he bowed again

"Teach me your ways. Do you want to work for me?" Jimin asked

Jungkook widened his eyes "Are you serious? Yes I would love to, sir"

"Okey. Go to my company building tomorrow and we'll talk. Also call me hyung" Jimin handed his card

"I-I will hyung. Bye!" Jungkook skipped away with his partner. Jimin chuckled

He looked at Naeyeon "yah. Bunny girl. Wake up already, will you?" Jimin put his head down on the bed and closed his eyes. He usually never sleeps but he really needed it right now.

"I'm sorry I almost killed you again" he mumbled

Naeyeon opened her eyes and stared at him. "Fluffy?"

Jimin lifted his head quickly "When did you wake up?" He asked

"Right now" Naeyeon rubbed her eyes.

Jimin patted her head "Are you ready to go home? I need sleep"

"I can barely move, fluffy." Naeyeon said

Jimin sighed "It's fine. See your wounds are healed up. Come—"

'Wait...her wounds are disappearing before my eyes?' Jimin thought

"What's wrong, Fluffy?"

"I'll be right back, bunny. Don't talk to anyone" Jimin said as he leaves her room

Naeyeon nods.

Jimin knocked on the door of a doctors office.

"Hello?" Jimin called

"Oh hello, are a doctor? You shouldn't be in the employee lounge" a doctor said

Fluffy ° PJMWhere stories live. Discover now