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"let it be. It's not our business." Jimin spoke

Jaeun peeked at Nayeon through the small creak of the open door.

"B-but Sir, her neck looks extremely bruised" He flinched at his assistants' words.

"I said let it be."

He could hear Nayeon's painful screams clear as day. His fists started to clench, knuckles turing white as his desk papers.

Sharply sighing, he says "Shut the door."

Jaeun obeyed and did as told.


"Let Kai help her. You have no permission to talk to her, got it?"

"Yes, sir."


Regular workers aren't allowed on the CEOs' floor. Only if they were called over. is made Nayeon nervous. No one could hear her or help her.

She doesn't have an idea of how being a ghoul works. 'This pain could be a normal thing right?'

She slowly stood up, holding her neck to ease the pain.

'This isn't just the pain of the hot coffee...what is happening to me?'

She thought

Quickly stumbling, she crawled over to Jimin's meeting room door in pain.

She banged on the door, sobbing loudly "P-Please help me!"

Jimin sat on his chair, feeling pained at her yells.

But...it suddenly stopped.

Jimin's eyes traced over the door and his eyes went wide.

Immediately running towards the door, he hastly opens it. Only to see Kai already picking Nayeon up, glaring at him. She passed out, neck all dark purple that reached her jaw to her collar bones.

Her white dolly blouse was soaked in coffee and her face pale. Very pale. Almost dead pale.

Kai walked off silently. Leaving a dazed Jimin.

His insides boil just seeing Nayeon with Kai. It didn't matter if she was passed out. She was still with him.

Slamming the door with much force, he broke the knob along with the lock.

"Fuck..." he mumbled cutely

"Sir, go rest. I'll take care of this meeting. I know how to do this" Jaeun assured him as she took the knob from his baby hands.

"What? No no. I'm fine. Call the clients in and also call someone to fix that, please." He sighed

Jaeun gave a conderned look "as you wish" she nods


I sat at the edge of my bed, exhausted with today.

I don't regret not helping her. I regret giving a damn about her.

Sighing, I lean my head against palms and massage my temples.

"Fluffy..." I heards a faint whisper.

What the hell? I can hear her now? I'm going MICHO!

Suddenly I felt hands from behind on my shoulders, sliding towards my chest.

I immediately turn around ready to attack what's behind me but I stopped when I saw the person I didn't want to see.

"Nayeon? What the fuck are you doing in my house?" I ask irritated.

She ran away from Kai?

"Fluffy..." She says, almost in an aroused tone. Her eyes where a glowy pale blue.

I was still trying to process if she was really here or if she's just my imagination.

She took me off guard when she cupped my face and pulled me towards her, kissing me fully.

Why am I responding?

I tilt my head to the side to kiss her more deeply, slowly closing my eyes.

I haven't kissed a girl in years, are their lips always this sweet?


Jimin crawled over Nayeon and hovered over, placing his palms on either side of her head.

Nayeon wasn't herself because it wasn't her at all. Every ghoul has a second side, a second them.

Unfortunately for Jimin he became like his ghoul side, dark and cold. The old playful Jimin from before will never come back.

Nayeon pulled his black locks between her fingers, making Jimin groan. He was enjoying this feeling. The feeling of his perfect lips molding together with someone else so beautifully.

He unconsciously traced his cold fingers on the Hem of her shirt, letting his fingers dance on her warm tummy.

Nayeon bit his bottom lip, sucking on it like she used to but she didn't bite. He opened his eyes slightly and looked at her, examining her soft features closely.

He trailed his hand higher up her shirt and painfully dug his nails in her soft skin above her rib cage, making her release her lips from his.

She hissed and backed away, panting. Glowy pale blue still evident in her eyes.

He panted, eyes enlarged as he can't believe he gave in to her kisses. He became furious.

Jimin swung his hand across her face, slighlty ripping her cheek flesh.

She yelled and tried to run, but Jimin grabbed her waist, dragging her to the window of his bedroom which was on the fifth floor.

He hastly opened the window and pushed her out, closing it tight afterwards.

He didn't need to worry though, ghouls always land on there feet...at least the smart ones.


Fluffy ° PJMWhere stories live. Discover now